Waterdish / Shipwright-Android

Ship of Harkinian Android Port
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Window resize for controller inputs #8

Closed mhamz-iit closed 3 months ago

mhamz-iit commented 6 months ago

The window to map the controllers has a fixed size. I'm playing in an RG405M device, whch has a 4:3 screen, so not super wide. I cannot remap the right stick since the window does not cover it.

The "additional controller options" window is indeed resizeable, so it may be simple to implement this.

I have yet to see if I can modify some other configuration file in my PC to map the right stick, that may be a work around.

Waterdish commented 6 months ago

I'll see if I can make it resizable. In the meantime, you're probably right that you can use a file from the pc.

mhamz-iit commented 6 months ago

shipofharkanian.json has the controller mappings. It's all coded in numbers though, so I'm not sure what mappings are what. I'm guessing it's in Slot_0, and the last 4 values corresponding to the c-buttons. Those are 6,7,8 and 9. I don't know what corresponding values to put to assign the d-pad, so I can leave the right stick unassigned. Again, just guesses.

foxhound311 commented 6 months ago


This is what it looks like on a Retroid pocket 3+

foxhound311 commented 6 months ago

shipofharkanian.json has the controller mappings. It's all coded in numbers though, so I'm not sure what mappings are what. I'm guessing it's in Slot_0, and the last 4 values corresponding to the c-buttons. Those are 6,7,8 and 9. I don't know what corresponding values to put to assign the d-pad, so I can leave the right stick unassigned. Again, just guesses.

I mapped them by reinstalling first release, remapping them there and going back to latest.

mhamz-iit commented 6 months ago

Would you mind posting the relevant part of your json file? I assume you mapped the right stick for free camera, right?

I think this is the relevant part in the json (for Slot_0): "Mappings": { "-512": 65536, "-513": 524288, "-514": 2, "-515": 8, "-516": 0, "-517": 0, "0": 32768, "1": 32768, "10": 16, "11": 2048, "12": 1024, "13": 512, "14": 256, "3": 16384, "512": 131072, "513": 262144, "514": 1, "515": 4, "516": 32, "517": 64, "6": 4096, "7": 64, "8": 128, "9": 8192 },

foxhound311 commented 6 months ago

Would you mind posting the relevant part of your json file? I assume you mapped the right stick for free camera, right?

I think this is the relevant part in the json (for Slot_0): "Mappings": { "-512": 65536, "-513": 524288, "-514": 2, "-515": 8, "-516": 0, "-517": 0, "0": 32768, "1": 32768, "10": 16, "11": 2048, "12": 1024, "13": 512, "14": 256, "3": 16384, "512": 131072, "513": 262144, "514": 1, "515": 4, "516": 32, "517": 64, "6": 4096, "7": 64, "8": 128, "9": 8192 },

I’m at work but I have the file online and yes right stick mapped… https://mega.nz/file/CiBxWJhD#JDnDA7cwvgfCFnox1aa6KvsD-Tg_dQYzE8Z2IAhrPDk

mhamz-iit commented 6 months ago

Thank you! I appreciate it.

Waterdish commented 6 months ago

I added a new version of the app in 1.0.2 that changes the UI back to the small size if you have a device that needs it.

mhamz-iit commented 6 months ago

That's awesome! It didn't work in my case though, I reinstalled the apk and just transferred my old .otr files, but the sizing is the windows is the same. Unless there is a setting I'm missing?

Also (this could be a separate issue), I start the game in MQ mode (with both .otr files for vanilla and MQ) but the game is vanilla. This happened with the 1.0.1 and 1.0.2.

Waterdish commented 6 months ago

New update should fix these issues.

foxhound311 commented 6 months ago

New update should fix these issues.

Thank you, that is awesome.

mhamz-iit commented 6 months ago

This is great, MQ issue is resolved. The new window sizes are useful, I can remap the right stick now.

However, it's still impossible to see the c-stick controller mappings on a 4:3 screen (window ends in the right stick with smallest font size). It is playable using the dpad option, so not as big of a deal as before. Either a resizable or a scrolling window would be the fix.

Waterdish commented 6 months ago

You should be able to resize the entire GUI in the graphics settings now. New option. Try selecting a smaller value (normal instead of large for example). You may be able to see the C buttons then.

mhamz-iit commented 6 months ago

Yes, I did that, I resized using the smallest value, but it's still not enough to see the c-button section.

Waterdish commented 3 months ago

Fixed in latest update