Waterdish / zelda3-android

A port of Zelda3 to Android
98 stars 4 forks source link

Ayaneo Pocket Air Android 12 crash on start #10

Open thespianuk opened 3 months ago

thespianuk commented 3 months ago

Hi. Installed your OOT and Majora apps and they’re great. Ask for file permissions and all works. But Zelda3 exits to launcher on starting. Tried all releases. Nothing seems to work. It’s a non rooted device so can’t browse within your data folder which is created automatically on the SD card. Any suggestions please? I’ve got the assets extracted (used the SteamDeck method on ChimeraOS) but if I can’t open the folder, I can’t drop the file in place.

Waterdish commented 3 months ago

You can use a pc to access that folder if you plug your phone in. Try that.

thespianuk commented 3 months ago

Ok. I’ll plug the handheld in shortly and give it a go. I’ll let you know here.

thespianuk commented 3 months ago

Ok. Uninstalled l, cleared data and cache. Reinstalled latest version, accepted permissions, ran it. It exited.

Connected to computer, can see the directory in android/data. Contained one subfolder - files. Was empty. Dropped assets in there and ran. Exited straight away to launcher. No ini file is created. zelda3_assets.dat is 668k in size (works on the SteamDeck version so tested ok).