WaterlooRobotics / mobilerobotics

Matlab and Robot code for MTE 544: Autonomous Mobile Robotics at the University of Waterloo
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I14 fast slam #52

Closed LordBismaya closed 6 years ago

LordBismaya commented 8 years ago

functionalized the fast slam function. put it in the estimation folder. The runfastSlam function calls the function.

LordBismaya commented 8 years ago

The code is updated after review.

  1. Modified the Covariance weight update equation.(Resampling Step)
  2. Added noise free state of the robot for reference in the plots.
  3. legends in the plots.
  4. Added Error plots and RMS errors
  5. fastSLAM2.0 added.
  6. Input and Output variables descriptions in each function.
  7. Separate folder for fastSLAM in 05/Estimation directory
  8. Individual functions (unlike subfunctions used earlier); as suggested by reviewers. This might help in future while making some of the functions common across the whole repo.
  9. Centroid of the Particles in plots, showing mean of the estimated robot pose.
  10. Instructions and ReadMe file included.
  11. Comments wherever necessary. Variable names to enhance understanding.
  12. Option to switch between random and static maps.(details in readme and instructions)
LordBismaya commented 8 years ago

Yes. That option had occurred to me. But I instead decided on keeping two separate m files for the two functions. I feel I have adequately mentioned the differences in comments to enable the future learner to clearly distinguish the differences between the two fairly easily.