WatershedArts / Footfall

Application that allows you to monitor the traffic in and out of your building, using the RPi Camera and openFrameworks
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White screen of death on the new Footfall RPi2 of_v0.9.8_linuxarmv6l #59

Closed d000000h closed 7 years ago

d000000h commented 7 years ago

First of all thanks for making this great project its really fun to play around with :)

Ive succesfully compiled of_v0.9.8_linuxarmv6l_release and Footfall, i had to do the libs to old-libs trick and use the VS2012-static branch of OfxCv to get it all to compile, i did have Threaded Footfall running before this new version.


Now when i startup Footfall i get just a white screen;

pi@raspberrypi:~/openFrameworks/apps/myApps/Footfall/bin $ ./Footfall [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupRPiNativeWindow(): screenRect: 1920x1080 [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupRPiNativeWindow(): windowRect: 1024x768 [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): setting up EGL Display [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): EGL Display correctly set 0x1 [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): no current renderer selected [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): default renderer detected [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): surface created correctly [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): API bound correctly [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): -----EGL----- [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): EGL_VERSION_MAJOR = 1 [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): EGL_VERSION_MINOR = 4 [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): EGL_CLIENT_APIS = OpenGL_ES OpenVG [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): EGL_VENDOR = Broadcom [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): EGL_VERSION = 1.4 [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): EGL_EXTENSIONS = EGL_KHR_image EGL_KHR_image_base EGL_KHR_image_pixmap EGL_KHR_vg_parent_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_2D_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_cubemap_image EGL_KHR_lock_surface [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): GL_RENDERER = VideoCore IV HW [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): GL_VERSION = OpenGL ES-CM 1.1 [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): GL_VENDOR = Broadcom [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): ------------- [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupPeripherals(): peripheral setup complete [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupNativeUDev(): created udev object [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupMouse(): unabled to find mouse [ error ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupMouse(): did not open mouse [ error ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupMouse(): did not open mouse, mouse_fd < 0 [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupKeyboard(): keyboard_fd= 15 devicePath=/dev/input/by-path/platform-3f980000.usb-usb-0:1.3:1.0-event-kbd [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupKeyboard(): keyboard device name = USB Keyboard [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupPeripherals(): native event setup complete

This is what i see on the screen: white screen of death

What is causing this; why can i run the old version but not the new one, please help me

ive tried to do a fresh raspbian install and run into the same problems, am i doing something wrong ?

raspistill -o test.jpeg, does give me a picture

DHaylock commented 7 years ago

Hi @d000000h,


What is in you config.json?

DHaylock commented 7 years ago

could you try running one of the ofxCvPiCam examples?

d000000h commented 7 years ago

Wow you are so fast :)

My config is completely stock

{ "Footfall": { "AppConfig": { "usehttp": false, "usecsvlogging": false }, "CameraConfig": { "camerawidth":160, "cameraheight":120, "fliphorizontally": false, "flipvertically": false, "trackshadows": true, "threshold": 200, "mogthreshold": 16, "shadowpixelratio": 0.25, "dilate": 5, "erode": 3, "history": 100, "blur": 5, "usemask": false, "showshadowimage": true, "MaskArea": [ {"coordx":0,"coordy":0}, {"coordx":160,"coordy":0}, {"coordx":160,"coordy":120}, {"coordx":0,"coordy":120} ] }, "TrackingConfig": { "threshold":10, "minarea":10, "maxarea":90, "flipvertically":false, "startposx":0, "startposy":60, "offset":20, "blobdyingtime": 0.50, "persistance":1, "maxdistance":100, "minsizeone": 10, "minsizetwo": 50, "minsizethree": 100 }, "HttpConfig": { "keepbackups" : false, "postserver":"", "postextension":"", "secretkey":"", "maxretries":1 } } }

d000000h commented 7 years ago

I compiled one of the examples and ran it , it did give me an image on the screen and worked fine

`pi@raspberrypi:~/openFrameworks/addons/ofxCvPiCam/example-ofxCvPiCamSimple/bin $ ./example-ofxCvPiCamSimple [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupRPiNativeWindow(): screenRect: 1920x1080 [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupRPiNativeWindow(): windowRect: 1280x720 [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): setting up EGL Display [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): EGL Display correctly set 0x1 [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): no current renderer selected [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): default renderer detected [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): surface created correctly [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): API bound correctly [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): -----EGL----- [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): EGL_VERSION_MAJOR = 1 [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): EGL_VERSION_MINOR = 4 [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): EGL_CLIENT_APIS = OpenGL_ES OpenVG [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): EGL_VENDOR = Broadcom [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): EGL_VERSION = 1.4 [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): EGL_EXTENSIONS = EGL_KHR_image EGL_KHR_image_base EGL_KHR_image_pixmap EGL_KHR_vg_parent_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_2D_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_cubemap_image EGL_KHR_lock_surface [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): GL_RENDERER = VideoCore IV HW [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): GL_VERSION = OpenGL ES-CM 1.1 [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): GL_VENDOR = Broadcom [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): ------------- [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupPeripherals(): peripheral setup complete [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupNativeUDev(): created udev object [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupMouse(): unabled to find mouse [ error ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupMouse(): did not open mouse [ error ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupMouse(): did not open mouse, mouse_fd < 0 [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupKeyboard(): keyboard_fd= 15 devicePath=/dev/input/by-path/platform-3f980000.usb-usb-0:1.3:1.0-event-kbd [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupKeyboard(): keyboard device name = USB Keyboard [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupPeripherals(): native event setup complete [verbose] ofxCvPiCam() [warning] ofThread: - name: Thread 2 - Calling startThread with verbose is deprecated. [verbose] Attached gray callback

[verbose] Capture started `

DHaylock commented 7 years ago

How odd ... Try cleaning the app and re building it

make clean

DHaylock commented 7 years ago

This has never happened us, the fact there is no content on the screen is odd

d000000h commented 7 years ago

i will try again

d000000h commented 7 years ago

comp comp2

Same result, still white screen img_20170221_193843

When i compile an ofxCvPiCam example it works fine img_20170221_194015

DHaylock commented 7 years ago

That's really odd, ok try copying one of the ofxcvpicam examples to the app folder. Recompile. See if that works, if it does copy the footfall source code across to the src folder. I'll have to check this later on. Don't think it's memory based as the example works.

d000000h commented 7 years ago

so i guess you want me to move an example to the myapps folder and see if that works from there? im trying that now ... and if that works i can move the stuff from Footfall/src/ to the example /src/ folder and recompile and it should work ? 📦

im gonna try that

moving the example and compiling it did work and gave me a screen (not just the white box) pi@raspberrypi:~/openFrameworks/apps/myApps/example-ofxCvPiCam-face/bin $ ./example-ofxCvPiCam-face [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupRPiNativeWindow(): screenRect: 1920x1080 [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupRPiNativeWindow(): windowRect: 640x480 [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): setting up EGL Display [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): EGL Display correctly set 0x1 [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): no current renderer selected [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): default renderer detected [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): surface created correctly [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): API bound correctly [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): -----EGL----- [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): EGL_VERSION_MAJOR = 1 [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): EGL_VERSION_MINOR = 4 [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): EGL_CLIENT_APIS = OpenGL_ES OpenVG [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): EGL_VENDOR = Broadcom [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): EGL_VERSION = 1.4 [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): EGL_EXTENSIONS = EGL_KHR_image EGL_KHR_image_base EGL_KHR_image_pixmap EGL_KHR_vg_parent_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_2D_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_cubemap_image EGL_KHR_lock_surface [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): GL_RENDERER = VideoCore IV HW [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): GL_VERSION = OpenGL ES-CM 1.1 [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): GL_VENDOR = Broadcom [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): ------------- [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupPeripherals(): peripheral setup complete [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupNativeUDev(): created udev object [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupMouse(): unabled to find mouse [ error ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupMouse(): did not open mouse [ error ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupMouse(): did not open mouse, mouse_fd < 0 [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupKeyboard(): keyboard_fd= 15 devicePath=/dev/input/by-path/platform-3f980000.usb-usb-0:1.3:1.0-event-kbd [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupKeyboard(): keyboard device name = USB Keyboard [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupPeripherals(): native event setup complete

d000000h commented 7 years ago

Compiling example in the myApps folder works fine

Moving Footfall/src to Example/src and then recompiling,

White screen of death

PRITIAEC10 commented 7 years ago

are you using a raspberry pi 3?

d000000h commented 7 years ago

No im using a raspberry pi 2, with armv6 openframeworks on Raspbian default image.

I even tried yesterday to make another sd card, reinstlal the raspbian, recompiled openframeworks, recompiled ofxCvPiCam example -> Works fine, Recompiled Footfall -> White screen of death

Did all the things suggested here, moved an example to the myapps folder -> compiled and worked fine -> copied Footfall/src/ to the example/src/ folder recompiled -> BAM white screen of death :(

Default Config file, 0 changes to that

I Did have ThreadedFootfall and the RPi2 Version working before this new version...

PRITIAEC10 commented 7 years ago

I am using a raspberrypi 3 , with arm6 openframeworks , compiled the footfall as mentioned in the steps and when i tried to run the exe, i got the white screen of death, and i have to restart the pi, i too have compiled the RPi2 and threadedfootfall and it was working. Is the issue related to config file, because i am using the config file as provided without any change. One more question does the camera power up?

d000000h commented 7 years ago

So i guess this is confirmed to bug on the RPi3 too, after rebooting it you still get the white screen ? or does it work then ?

Have you also tried to compile some of the examples to see if they work ?

DHaylock commented 7 years ago

Hi @d000000h, this sounds insane but could you check the ofApp.cpp file to see if it has any content in it?

DHaylock commented 7 years ago

the fact you dont get anything on screen is bizarre you should at least get some debug text

PRITIAEC10 commented 7 years ago

ofApp.cpp is not empty, Can it be a X11 desktop issue,

this is i get when i control C, the white screen pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ./startFootfall.sh [warning] ofAppEGLWindow: init(): X11 not availble on RPI yet, using a native window instead [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupRPiNativeWindow(): screenRect: 1024x768 [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupRPiNativeWindow(): windowRect: 1024x768 [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): setting up EGL Display [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): EGL Display correctly set 0x1 [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): no current renderer selected [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): default renderer detected [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): surface created correctly [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): API bound correctly [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): -----EGL----- [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): EGL_VERSION_MAJOR = 1 [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): EGL_VERSION_MINOR = 4 [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): EGL_CLIENT_APIS = OpenGL_ES OpenVG [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): EGL_VENDOR = Broadcom [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): EGL_VERSION = 1.4 [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): EGL_EXTENSIONS = EGL_KHR_image EGL_KHR_image_base EGL_KHR_image_pixmap EGL_KHR_vg_parent_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_2D_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_cubemap_image EGL_KHR_lock_surface [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): GL_RENDERER = VideoCore IV HW [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): GL_VERSION = OpenGL ES-CM 1.1 [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): GL_VENDOR = Broadcom [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: createSurface(): ------------- [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupPeripherals(): peripheral setup complete [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupNativeUDev(): created udev object [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupMouse(): mouse_fd= 15 devicePath=/dev/input/by-path/platform-3f980000.usb-usb-0:1.2:1.0-event-mouse [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupMouse(): mouse device name = PixArt USB Optical Mouse [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupKeyboard(): keyboard_fd= 16 devicePath=/dev/input/by-path/platform-3f980000.usb-usb-0:1.4:1.0-event-kbd [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupKeyboard(): keyboard device name = Microsoft Wired Keyboard 600 [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: setupPeripherals(): native event setup complete [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: destroyNativeKeyboard() [notice ] ofAppEGLWindow: destroySurface(): destroying EGL surface

PRITIAEC10 commented 7 years ago

Can you share the config.json you are using, because i think it may be a configuration issue. Also when i run the program, the camera never powers up, which used to when i was compiling threaded footfall or the RPi2 version

DHaylock commented 7 years ago

Actually the config we use is in the repo. Could you send me your Footfall folder? including config.

PRITIAEC10 commented 7 years ago


DHaylock commented 7 years ago

cheers, whilst i'm sorting out a build environment for RPI3 could you check your GPU memory allocation. Try setting it to 128

PRITIAEC10 commented 7 years ago

it is set to 128

DHaylock commented 7 years ago

Hi @d000000h ,

Just ran your app. Yep there it is no screen data. Going to investigate now.

DHaylock commented 7 years ago

Hi @d000000h ,

Have just cleaned the target.


Could you try running ./Pr_Footfall


gundrygs commented 7 years ago

I had to do the libs to old-libs trick and use the VS2012-static branch of OfxCv to get it all to compile

I think the correct branch of ofxCv to work against of_v0.9.8_linuxarmv6l_release is 'stable', not 'VS2012-static' - may not make a difference, but it's another thing to try.

DHaylock commented 7 years ago

Hi @d000000h and @PRITIAEC10,

Because, there is no Notice Log for the config file it suggests that the ofApp.cpp file has been compiled before the source code for footfall has been added.

I've updated the compiling.md with clearer instructions.

PRITIAEC10 commented 7 years ago

Hi @DHaylock , Thanks a ton, i got the video output now, Trying to configure and compile on my desktop for accuracy , will let you know if i need help.


d000000h commented 7 years ago

I went wrong here 👍

Copy all of the Source files into the folder.

cp ../../../../Footfall/Footfall/src/* .

Somehow it didnt copy the src files and that was causing the white screen (i think, im running into other problems now)

for me it had to be 👍

Copy all of the Source files into the folder.

cp ../../../Footfall/Footfall/src/* .

This can be closed, since the problem was human error ...

the problem im running into now is the MMAl problem which tells me to remove the libs folder from the ofxCvPicam but when i do that i still keep the problem...

some more fiddling around i guess

DHaylock commented 7 years ago

Hi @d000000h,

No worries. I updated the docs.

Open a new Issue and ill have a look.