Watfaq / SoftU2F-Win

Software U2F authenticator for Windows
The Unlicense
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devcon.exe failed #77

Open nanderer opened 1 month ago

nanderer commented 1 month ago


i tried it with your powershell, which is a pain in the * to get it running because of security stuff, and it did not work

just flashing window and it was gone

than i tried it on my own

PS C:\tools\SoftU2FDaemon-SCD-win10-x64-11\SoftU2F-Win-driver-v2023-03-18> .\devcon.exe install .\SoftU2FDriver.inf Root\SoftU2F devcon.exe failed.

i tried it within cmd and failed to

C:\tools\SoftU2FDaemon-SCD-win10-x64-11\SoftU2F-Win-driver-v2023-03-18>devcon.exe install SoftU2FDriver.inf Root\SoftU2F devcon.exe failed.

then i realized that you may need elevated privileges, i wrote a new script, made a link, checked run as admin and that finally worked.

maybe you should incorparate something like this or at least write en step by step install.md and link it in your main readme file


@GITHUB i am uploading a zip whats the problem?

nanderer commented 1 month ago

https://web.archive.org/web/20240519172224if_/ if github dosnt want it then ill do some round and round we go "down/uploading"

nanderer commented 1 month ago

amd even without "devcon.exe failed" i get


its win server 19 (winver 1809) here, maybe thats the problem, would be grate if you made a system that checks winver and runs accordingly...

nanderer commented 1 month ago

btw devccon messages are Device node created. Install is complete when drivers are installed... Updating drivers for Root\SoftU2F from C:\tools\SoftU2FDaemon-SCD-win10-x64-11\SoftU2F-Win-driver-v2023-03-18\SoftU2FDriver.inf. Drivers installed successfully.

i assumed no errors... or am i wrong, again, maybe a detailed step by step guide could help with an extensive FAQ with all common issues