WattTime / pyiso

Python client libraries for ISO and other power grid data sources.
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Add SaskPowerClient implementation of BaseClient to provide data for Saskatchewan, Canada #126

Closed r24mille closed 6 years ago

r24mille commented 6 years ago

This pull request adds latest=True support for get_load(...) using data that backs the "System Load" widget on Sask Power's front page.

The data itself can be found at http://www.saskpower.com/spfeeds.nsf/feeds/sysloadJSON

The EIA client lists SPC (Saskatchewan Power Corporation) as a balancing authority, but eia_esod.handle_ba_limitations(...) includes the SPC in its canada_mexico limitation array. It is essentially not supported. This SaskPowerClient adds value by providing a basic level of support for Saskatchewan, as proposed in #123.