WattTime / pyiso

Python client libraries for ISO and other power grid data sources.
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Installation Issue with lxml #163

Closed DA-Mike closed 6 years ago

DA-Mike commented 6 years ago

I currently have lxml 3.8.0 on my machine, but the pyiso install wants to roll it back to 3.6.1 and fails every time. Has anyone else encountered this issue? Any solution to this?

r24mille commented 6 years ago

Looking at the history of requirements.txt the exact version requirement was added in 17a135c5d5b7ac1946e6f6959e35c4e711d0007e when it was changed from lxml to lxml==3.6.1 with the commit message, "upgrade lxml." Recently, during development of pyiso 3.20 we bumped it to 3.6.4 in 5c23f6fe29bb3ca6a3b5b8f725c068b97af92c3f to fix a bug.

I think it's a good idea to be less sensitive to versions in our requirements; certainly we should allow users to have a more recent version of a library. I do know off the top of my head that 3.6.4 is a minimum. If you'd like to change requirements.txt and setup.py to lxml>=3.6.4 and run the unit tests and integration tests you could see if that breaks anything. If everything passes, open a pull request.

All that said, since you're mentioning lxml 3.6.1 and not lxml 3.6.4, I assume that means you're installing pyiso 3.19 package from PyPI and installing using pip or something similar. Typically, when working on a project, it is useful to use virtual environments to isolate one project's dependency version requirements from another. See https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/venv.html for details. Are you using virtual environments in this way, and we're just not playing nice with some other dependency in your project which requires a more recent lxml version?

DA-Mike commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the thorough response Reid. I am indeed installing from pip and am not familiar with unit and integration tests - I'm definitely noob/script kiddy level in terms of project development. That being said, I'd love to give this a shot and contribute to this project as it applies directly to me and my line of work. It looks like the link you provided is a good starting point, any other tips would be appreciated.

r24mille commented 6 years ago

No problem, and sorry this response is so late. I'd love to help you out with your contribution.

I am [...] not familiar with unit and integration tests.

I spent some time looking around for good articles, and to be honest this Stack Overflow answer about the different types of tests sums things up nicely.

Within PyISO we define unit tests and integration tests as roughly:

Directories containing unit tests and integration tests, structured as follows:

  + --- tests
  |       + --- unit
  |       |         | test_base.py
  |       |         | test_client_one.py
  |       |         | test_client_two.py
  |       |
  |       + --- integration 
  |                 | integration_test_client_one.py
  |                 | integration_test_client_two.py
  + --- pyiso
          | base.py
          | client_one.py
          | client_two.py

Are you using virtual environments in this way?

I ran the following code to set up the latest PyISO in a Python 3 virtual environment on my Ubuntu 16.04 machine. Are you able to get it set up on its own in a virtual environment?

r24mille@hostname:~$ sudo apt-get install python3-venv
r24mille@hostname:~$ sudo apt-get build-dep -y lxml
r24mille@hostname:~$ python3 -m venv ~/example_venv
r24mille@hostname:~$ cd ~/example_venv/
r24mille@hostname:~/example_venv$ source ./bin/activate
(example_venv) r24mille@hostname:~/example_venv$ pip install pyiso
(example_venv) r24mille@hostname:~/example_venv$ python
Python 3.5.2 (default, Sep 14 2017, 22:51:06) 
[GCC 5.4.0 20160609] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from pyiso import client_factory
>>> miso = client_factory('MISO')
>>> print(miso.get_generation(latest=True))
[{'timestamp': Timestamp('2017-11-02 02:40:00+0000', tz='UTC'), 'freq': '5m', 'gen_MW': 38822, 'fuel_name': 'coal', 'market': 'RT5M', 'ba_name': 'MISO'}, {'timestamp': Timestamp('2017-11-02 02:40:00+0000', tz='UTC'), 'freq': '5m', 'gen_MW': 11892, 'fuel_name': 'natgas', 'market': 'RT5M', 'ba_name': 'MISO'}, {'timestamp': Timestamp('2017-11-02 02:40:00+0000', tz='UTC'), 'freq': '5m', 'gen_MW': 11300, 'fuel_name': 'nuclear', 'market': 'RT5M', 'ba_name': 'MISO'}, {'timestamp': Timestamp('2017-11-02 02:40:00+0000', tz='UTC'), 'freq': '5m', 'gen_MW': 541, 'fuel_name': 'other', 'market': 'RT5M', 'ba_name': 'MISO'}, {'timestamp': Timestamp('2017-11-02 02:40:00+0000', tz='UTC'), 'freq': '5m', 'gen_MW': 4439, 'fuel_name': 'wind', 'market': 'RT5M', 'ba_name': 'MISO'}]

I had to run the apt-get build-dep step install the dependencies required for building lxml. Without it, neither 'pip install pyiso' nor pip install lxml==3.6.1 worked on my system.

Let me know how things are going and I can help with specific questions you may have. Cheers!