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Python client libraries for ISO and other power grid data sources.
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CAISO wind generation historical data #196

Open jsnmedeiros opened 5 years ago

jsnmedeiros commented 5 years ago

Dear all, I am trying to get wind generation data for CAISO, I am using the following commands

import pandas as pd from pyiso import client_factory,LOGGER from pyiso.base import BaseClient from datetime import datetime, date, time caiso=client_factory('CAISO') start="01/2016" end="08/2018" date1=datetime.strptime(start,"%m/%Y") date2=datetime.strptime(end,"%m/%Y") data=caiso.get_generation(start_at=date1,end_at=date2,market='RTM',fuels='wind',tz_name='UTC')

I get the following error: 2016-03-13 02:00:00 Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "/home/SPEEDWELLUK/medeirosj/source/pyiso/pyiso-master/pyiso/caiso.py", line 88, in get_generation return self._generation_historical() File "/home/SPEEDWELLUK/medeirosj/source/pyiso/pyiso-master/pyiso/caiso.py", line 234, in _generation_historical df = df[df.THERMAL.map(str) != '#VALUE!'] File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/generic.py", line 2744, in getattr return object.getattribute(self, name) AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'THERMAL'

I've only just installed pyiso and I am not sure if I am doing the right thing. would really appreciate the help

many thanks Joana