Watts-College / cpp-524-fall-2021

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Lab 5 Question 2b #25

Open asukajames opened 2 years ago

asukajames commented 2 years ago

Hello, Could you please clarify "what is the decision rule?" ? If you could explain what this question exactly means, I would appreciated it!

danafuller commented 2 years ago

@asukajames I interpreted that as if the slope was significant then that would be the "decision rule" to indicate that there was secular trend.

lecy commented 2 years ago

For example, in lab 2 where you are trying to establish group equivalency the decision rule would be calculate all of the contrasts, adjust alpha=0.05 by the bonferroni rule, then compare the adjusted alpha to the lowest p-value.

If adjusted alpha > lowest p-value --> do not reject the NULL --> the NULL is that the groups are equivalent

And if the p-value is smaller we conclude the groups are NOT equivalent.

That is an example of a decision rule. Basically state what you conclude if you have a significant result and what you conclude if you have a non-significant result.

I interpreted that as if the slope was significant then that would be the "decision rule" to indicate that there was secular trend.

Specifically regression tables always report p-values and significance. But do you understand which hypothesis is tested by each slope?

In this case with the pre-post data from the comparison group the level of significance associated with b1 corresponds to the trend hypothesis:

b0 = C1
b0 + b1 = C2

# default test in a regression: 
b1 = 0  

# null trend hypothesis: 
C1 = C2
C1 - C2 = 0

# with substitution 
b0 - (b0+b1) = 0
b1 + b0 - b0 = 0
b1 = 0 

So we can see that the test of whether b1=0 is the same as testing for the absence of trend (C1=C2). If we reject the null that means we observe some non-zero level of trend in the data.

Make sense?

lecy commented 2 years ago

Note that this corresponds with the zero trend assumption necessary for reflexive models to be valid.

If you are testing for group equivalency, the null hypothesis would be C1=T1.

You can follow the same logic above to set up a model that tests that assumption if you want to use the post-test only estimator.

The diff-in-diff model is convenient because you get everything in one model. One coefficient represents the trend test, one coefficient represents the pre-treatment equivalency test, and one gives you the program effect.

asukajames commented 2 years ago

@danafuller Thanks for jumping in and for helping me out with my question :)

@lecy Thank you for the explanation!