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Lab 05- Change the Text Style #35

Open Rami-Assaad opened 2 years ago

Rami-Assaad commented 2 years ago

I've created getstarted.md file, after adding the div section:

### Overview of steps required

There are only three simple steps, ....  

Here is a 40-second video ....

<img src="../img/install-steps.gif" style="width:100%;" alt="Installation steps" />

<div class="gs-section-01" markdown="1">

### 1. Fork the Beautiful Jekyll repository 

Fork the [repository](https://github.com/daattali/beautiful-jekyll) 
by clicking the Fork button on the top right corner in GitHub.


at the bottom of the getstarted.md page I add the following :


.gs-section-01 h3 { 
     color: red }

.gs-section-01 p {
     font-size: 30px;


However in the getstarted.md I found that the style is just printed on the page :

Pic 1

I Also tried to insert the style just under the div section and get the same result.

What should I do to change the style of the text ?

lecy commented 2 years ago

Hi Rami - sorry for the delay in response.

When you say:

"in the getstarted.md I found that the style is just printed on the page"

Is that true for the rendered HTML version as well?

For example, here is the MD version of the course schedule page:


Compare it to the rendered HTML version:


After you activate the pages option on GitHub then it will automatically convert any MD pages to HTML pages on the GitHub server, almost the same as we convert RMD files to HTML files when we knit in R Studio.

Regular MD pages will not incorporate HTML elements, whereas after rendering the HTML page should work correctly.

Have you activated the pages and previewed the HTML version yet?

Rami-Assaad commented 2 years ago

Dr. Jesse, Thank you for your response.

Yes, I didn't use to render to HTML, however I use to complete all the 05 steps in the Lab 05, and to check if the changes took place I use to go to setting< Github pages < and enter the link.


After changing what's required to be changed, I didn't notice any change to the original website.

This is the website created: https://rami-assaad.github.io/Beautiful-Jekyll_Lab-05/ This is the website of my respo: https://github.com/Rami-Assaad/Beautiful-Jekyll_Lab-05

Did I do anything wrong?

Thanks in advance!

lecy commented 2 years ago

@Rami-Assaad You need to complete Step 3 to create a new file (gettingstarted.md) and add the Getting Started file to your menu bar:


Rami-Assaad commented 2 years ago

Thank you Prof.Lecy for your prompt response,

Actually I follow exactly what's written in step 03: Create getstarted.md image

Copy the text from the raw view

Add the - Getting Started: "getstarted" : image

& also completed all the steps in the Lab 05,

but still no change occur on the new website: image

What could be the issue ?

Thanks in advance !

lecy commented 2 years ago

@Rami-Assaad do you get an email with errors when you save any of the files on Github?

You should not have div tags or curley brackets in the config file:

<div class="title-01"> 


# Name of website
title: Lab 05- Github Pages



That might produce a compiling error.

Rami-Assaad commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your continues response Prof. @lecy ,

I have removed the div tags from the config file, but still facing the same issue. Would be another thing that made this error ?

lecy commented 2 years ago

Have you received any errors when saving files? You get an email from GitHub that says there's an error rendering a markdown file when something is broken.

I also wonder if the dash in the title might be disrupting the parsing in config? Remove the dash or place quotes around the title?

# Name of website
title: Lab 05- Github Pages

If that doesn't work you can invite me to the repo ( Settings >> Manage Access >> Invite People ).

Rami-Assaad commented 2 years ago

Prof. @lecy , I had remove the dash and try to insert quotes around the title , but still can't figure out the issue. Also I didn't receive any error message via email I've invited you to the respo.

Thank you!

lecy commented 2 years ago

Is the site hosted out of the root folder? Not "docs"?

lecy commented 2 years ago

You need to make me a co-owner so I have access to settings.

Rami-Assaad commented 2 years ago

Prof. @lecy , sorry for this huge number of back and forth, How can I make you a co-owner ?

lecy commented 2 years ago

It's under Settings >> Manage Access (same place where you invite people).

You determine admin privileges with their user role. Bottom level should be something like "owner".

I think I know your problem, though. Are you using the MASTER or MAIN branch and ROOT folder under the Page settings?

Some students were using the gh-branch for the website, which is the wrong branch to use. You won't see your changes, then.

lecy commented 2 years ago

@Rami-Assaad were you able to get this working?

Did you try changing the branch where the site is hosted.

Branches are like copies of the project. If you are editing files in one branch but hosting the site in another branch then you won't see the changes.

I still do not have admin access so I can't check your settings.

Rami-Assaad commented 2 years ago

Prof. @lecy , Thank you for following up on this issue. Really appreciated! When I tried to add you as co-owner I'm getting an error: "lecy already has a repository in the daattali/beautiful-jekyll network"

And I'm using Master. This is what causing the error ?