Watts-College / cpp-527-fall-2021

A course shell for CPP 527 Foundations of Data Science II
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Step 5: Convert Salary to Numeric #87

Open WSKQ23 opened 2 years ago

WSKQ23 commented 2 years ago

Hello @lecy I am having challenge with the cleaning of my salary data that I used to produce my salary summaries. I used the codes below to clean;

remove_dollar<- gsub( "\\$", " ", d$Salary )
  dollar_removed <- gsub(",", "", remove_dollar)
  salary <- head(dollar_removed %>% as.numeric())

but while producing my report I realized that all the values for q25, q50 and q75are the same. I think I have issue with cleaning the salary that I used for

create_salary_table <- function (dat3)
  t.salary <- 
    dat3 %>% 
    filter( ! is.na( title ) & title != "") %>% 
    group_by( title, gender ) %>% 
    summarize( q25=quantile(salary,0.25),
               n=n() ) %>% 
    ungroup() %>% 
    mutate( p= round( n/sum(n), 2) )


Please any help sir

lecy commented 2 years ago

Are you ever assigning salary back to d?

remove_dollar<- gsub( "\\$", " ", d$Salary )
  dollar_removed <- gsub(",", "", remove_dollar)
  salary <- head(dollar_removed %>% as.numeric())

Try something like:

unstring_salary <- function(x)
  x <- gsub( "\\$", " ", x )
  x <- gsub(",", "", x )
  x <- as.numeric( x )
  return( x )

d$salary <- unstring_salary( d$Salary )