Watts-College / cpp-527-template

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Lab 4 - Part 2 Error #21

Open sarahysaguirre opened 1 year ago

sarahysaguirre commented 1 year ago

Hello! When trying to run summary(corp)[1:10,] I am receiving the following error:

Error in if (...length() && any(...names() == "Dimnames")) .Object@Dimnames <- fixupDN(.Object@Dimnames) : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

I saw here it appears to be a R issue but after deleting and reinstalling R and the package, I still have no luck https://stackoverflow.com/questions/75279787/error-when-working-on-a-corpus-missing-value-where-true-false-needed

Here is my session info:

sessionInfo() R version 4.1.2 (2021-11-01) Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit) Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 22621)

I tried running the example in our lab and still have the same error. Any insights are greatly appreciated. Thank you image

sarahysaguirre commented 1 year ago

Also tried summary(corp) for reference and received the same error

lecy commented 1 year ago

Was corp loaded?

str( corp )
sarahysaguirre commented 1 year ago

Hello @lecy, it was not previously but I am still receiving the same error after loading it in the same chunk and a separate chunk. Thank you for your help!

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lecy commented 1 year ago

Your R version is still old. The current version is 4.2.2. Note that R and R Studio are different programs. Try closing R Studio and installing the new version of R. Then reinstall quanteda.

sarahysaguirre commented 1 year ago

That worked! Thank you

lecy commented 1 year ago

Best to leave issues open in case others encounter the same problem.