Watts-College / cpp-528-fall-2022

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Create Artifact Container failed: Artifact storage quota has been hit. Unable to upload any new artifacts #27

Open sjone128 opened 1 year ago

sjone128 commented 1 year ago

@castower Was working on the project & ran into this error. Apparently, there's a monthly quota allowance for artifacts that are reset monthly with no workaround. I'm not sure how accurate this information is but I have not found conflicting information. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70730786/github-actions-create-artifact-container-failed-artifact-storage-quota-has-b

Still not able to add the index.md or analysis files to the webpage.

castower commented 1 year ago

Hi @sjone128, I'm not familiar with this error message.

@lecy have you ever encountered this message?

castower commented 1 year ago

@sjone128 concerning linking the pages, you will list the pages in your _config.yml file. You may be having an issue because it appears that your file is named _configure.yml in your repository. The name of the file must be exact. You will also have to name your index file exactly as index.

Dimetry-Adel commented 1 year ago

Hi @castower , I have the same issue.

castower commented 1 year ago

Hi @Dimetry-Adel and @sjone128 does this occur with direct uploads or pushes via GitHub desktop or both?

Dimetry-Adel commented 1 year ago

For me, after uploading _config.yml

castower commented 1 year ago

Hi @Dimetry-Adel and @sjone128,

I took a closer look and it appears this is a Watts College repository wide issue.

I'm going to do a bit more investigating and I'll update you both...in the meantime you can focus on finalizing your .RMD/.html files.

sjone128 commented 1 year ago

For me, I'm not able to push any commits on GH. Thanks for your help, @castower, and ideas for the next steps in the meantime.

castower commented 1 year ago

No problem @sjone128!

I believe if you unpublish your website for the time being, you should be able to commit again. The issue appears to be related to the background build process for the website.

sjone128 commented 1 year ago

@castower wouldn't that affect my team's ability to make progress on the project as well? Also, if it matters, I can't complete any commits to the project, regardless of its relationship to the webpage. I'm thinking the best workaround would be to work on my portion of the project and send it to a team member to do the commit. However, the count of artifacts that are available to each person is pretty opaque. I can see that causing a substantial bottleneck!

castower commented 1 year ago


The limit appears to be repository wide for Watts College so it's likely that all of your teammates will get the same error, but you can certainly have a teammate try.

I've reached out to the administrators of the repository to see if there's a workaround, but currently I'm also getting the error.

sjone128 commented 1 year ago

@castower I appreciate you and I'm grateful for your help. We're mtg again tomorrow to talk about how to move forward with the project.

We'll look forward to any updates. :)

castower commented 1 year ago

Hello @sjone128 and @Dimetry-Adel,

The repository administrators were able to update the actions limits this morning and you should both be able to continue building your sites now.


sjone128 commented 1 year ago

That is fantastic news! @castower thank you so much for all of your help!

Dimetry-Adel commented 1 year ago

Many thanks for your time and kind help