Watts-College / cpp-528-fall-2022

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Years for final project #28

Closed jacobtnyoung closed 1 year ago

jacobtnyoung commented 1 year ago

Hi @castower! For the final project, are we to use years 2000-2010 per the rubric? Or, 1990-2000. Thanks for the clarification.

castower commented 1 year ago

Hi @jacobtnyoung,

The dates will remain the same as they were for the labs. You don't need to make any additional changes.

jacobtnyoung commented 1 year ago

Thanks @castower. Happy thanksgiving! 🦃🦃🦃

dholford commented 1 year ago

Hey @castower, just a follow up on this:

In lab03 we were supposed to change the data to 1990 - 2000 since the tutorial was 2000 - 2010. In lab04 we looked at change from 2000 - 2010.

So we should have analyses for both date ranges depending on the section of the lab? Or do we use one date range?

Thanks, Dylan

castower commented 1 year ago

Hi @dholford, Yes, you will have analyses for both time periods depending on the lab section.

jacobtnyoung commented 1 year ago

Hi @castower and @dholford I am confused. Why would we include both 1990-2000 and 2000-2010? This seems odd as a final report structure. Seems like in the material covered in lab 3 doesnt fit the rest of the report.

Sorry, just confused on this.

castower commented 1 year ago

Hi @jacobtnyoung, The overarching project is whether we can predict areas of home value changes based on predictors of gentrification and/or enrollment in the tax credits programs. So for Lab 03, we created a baseline of home value changes from 1990-2000 and then we move from there to test our hypotheses for the changes we expect to see from 2000-2010.