Watts-College / cpp-528-fall-2022

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Question about Data Steps instructions #9

Closed jacobtnyoung closed 1 year ago

jacobtnyoung commented 1 year ago

On the Data Steps page, under the "Make two local copies of the two .R files" header, step 5 says to:

"Select all the lines within the labs/wk03/project_data_steps.R and run them all to produce all of the clean data files within data/rodeo."

On line 16 of the labs/wk03/project_data_steps.R file the location is: here::here("labs/utilities.R"). But for the code to run, I had to set it to: here::here("labs/wk03/utilities.R"). That is, add /wk03/. I just wanted to make sure this is ok and I am not missing something.

castower commented 1 year ago

Hello @jacobtnyoung, Yes, this is fine! The code references a folder system where the utilities file was stored directly under labs but it is fine to change the path to your storage location in the wk03 folder. Let me know if you have any further questions.

jacobtnyoung commented 1 year ago

πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ thank you!