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Module 4 - Campbell Score Examples #2

Open swest235 opened 5 months ago

swest235 commented 5 months ago

Professor Tirado,

I am reading the module 4 link to the Campbell scores overview and I'm confused by the "answers" in some of these responses. They seem to be wrong - or maybe I don't understand. 

Below is the reading, and the questions asked, as well as the "answer". My understanding is that the answer would be more along the lines of, "MABT only reports significance at the 6 and 12 month marks - sometimes treatments take longer to work. The only other significant finding is TAU, only at the 3 month mark. Given that TAU is the normal treatment, and MABT is the program, it seems the normal treatment group experienced results at the beginning but the results lost significance as time went on; while the MABT group took longer to see results but they appear more long-term. Yes, the study time frame seems to matter, particularly for providing enough time for treatment to see results - and also enough time to see if "treatment as usual" wanes in efficacy as time progresses."

 If you could please shed some light on this - am I right or wrong here? Thank you for the feedback and any clarification. 

#Example 2: Time frame - Significant Results Mindful body awareness training during treatment for drug addiction helps prevent relapse A novel type of body awareness training helps women recover from drug addiction, according to new research from the University of Washington. People in the study made marked improvement, and many improvements lasted for a year.

It’s the first time the mindfulness approach has been studied in a large randomized trial as an adjunct treatment. The training helps people better understand the physical and emotional signals in their body and how they can respond to these to help them better regulate and engage in self-care.

[.] The training included one-on-one coaching in an outpatient setting, in addition to the substance use disorder treatment the women were already receiving. The intervention is called Mindful Awareness in Body-oriented Therapy (MABT) and combines manual, mindfulness and psycho-educational approaches to teach interoceptive awareness and related self-care skills. Interoceptive awareness is the ability to access and process sensory information from the body.

Researchers studied 187 women at three Seattle-area locations. The cohort, all women in treatment for substance use disorder (SUD), was split into three relatively equal groups. Every group continued with their regular SUD treatment. One group received SUD treatment only (TAU), another group was taught the mindfulness technique in addition to treatment (MABT), and the third group received a women’s education curriculum (WHE) in addition to treatment in order to test whether the additional time and attention explained any positive study outcomes.

Women were tested at the beginning, and at three, six and 12 months on a number of factors including substance use, distress craving, emotion regulation (self-report and psychophysiology), mindfulness skills and interceptive awareness. There were lasting improvements in these areas for those who received the MABT intervention, but not for the other two study groups. “Those who received MABT relapsed less,” Price said. “By learning to attend to their bodies, they learned important skills for better self-care.” In support to their findings, the researchers provide the following table 4.1:


Figure 4.1: Study results

  1. Look at the results of the table, particularly the last three columns. Significant differences are indicated with a *. Does the MABT group report better outcomes in all study period? What about the other groups? Does the study time frame matter for the results? Answer from reading: 

    The MABT group reports better outcomes only after 6 and 12 months and only compared to the TAU group.# The WHE has better results after 3 and 6 months and only compared to the TAU group. # Yes, the time frame matters. Depending on when the outcome variable was measured, results are different. In the short term, the WHE is more effective compare to the TAU group but in the long term the only significant difference is between the MABT and the TAU group.

Mayrismt commented 4 months ago

Discussed during office hours.