Watts-College / paf-513-fall-2023

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How do you make the selectInput work with the Legend? #14

Open jasminacosta opened 1 year ago

jasminacosta commented 1 year ago


I am having trouble getting the selectInput of the baseball teams to work with the legend that was previously created in the lab from last week.

How do I fix this issue?

Also, why is there information popping up under my select box? Screenshot 2023-09-12 at 1 50 00 PM

drcarlson-asu commented 1 year ago

Hi Jasmin,

Here is what the selectInput would look like without all of my instructions on your template. Maybe this will help simplify it for you:

selectInput( inputId= "team.widget",
             label= "Select A Team",
             choices= c( teams go here),
             selected= "Detroit Tigers"   

For the second issue, that is merely a formatting/syntax error. I'll let you troubleshoot that one on your own.

jasminacosta commented 1 year ago

Hi Professor,

That helped a lot!

I saw that my issue was that I still had the function I used to find the names of teams to be able to choose them.

Referring to the syntax error does that have to do with the render plot portion of the code?