Watts-College / paf-513-fall-2023

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Lab #6 #15

Open jasminacosta opened 11 months ago

jasminacosta commented 11 months ago

Hi Professor,

On step 3 of the lab after using the left_join( ) operator to combine both tables I went on to use the mutate( ) function for the equation. However, how I do get the values to stop repeating itself?

Is it repeating since there is player data where some of the information repeats itself?

Such as the variable W?

Thank you!

Screenshot 2023-09-25 at 7 47 14 PM

Screenshot 2023-09-25 at 7 08 56 PM

drcarlson-asu commented 11 months ago

Hi Jasmin - can you share the code you have used on steps 1-3?

jasminacosta commented 11 months ago


Step 1 code:

Salaries %>% group_by(yearID, teamID) %>% summarize(total_players = n(), team_budget = sum(salary.adj))

Step 2:

teams_and_salaries <- Salaries %>% left_join(Teams)

Step 3:

teams_and_salaries %>% group_by(yearID, teamID) %>% summarize(n = n(), team_budget = sum(salary.adj), cost = team_budget / W) %>% mutate(cost_per_win = cost / 100000)

Screenshot 2023-09-26 at 1 35 32 PM

drcarlson-asu commented 11 months ago

Hi Jasmin,

It looks like you are maybe making this a little harder than it needs to be in some of the steps.

For Step 1, keep your first line and replace the last 3 with something simliar to this: mutate( salary.adj = salary*(1.03)^( max(yearID) - yearID ) )

So it would like something like this: Salaries <- Salaries %>% mutate( salary.adj = salary*(1.03)^( max(yearID) - yearID ) )

For Step 2, you want to adjust the team salaries based on the above individual adjusted salaries:

teamSalaries <- Salaries %>% group_by( yearID, teamID ) %>% and then this line would be you summarizing team.budget followed by merging Teams, and teamSalaries

Lastly, for Step 3, you will use the mutate function:

So, Teams %>% mutate( cost.per.win = (team.budget / W )/100000 ) %>% here you'll want to arrange based on cost.per.win then, include your table headers here

jasminacosta commented 11 months ago

Hi Professor,

This makes a lot more sense.

Thank you!