Watts-Lab / altruism

Exploring how altruistic behavior is influenced by the cost it incurs
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Finalizing the design and set up #4

Open markwhiting opened 10 months ago

markwhiting commented 10 months ago


markwhiting commented 9 months ago


  1. Clean out prior workers who are not active?
  2. Generate a large number of HITs to be assigned (uses createHITs and stores the HITs in DB)
  3. Preselect $n$ workers for "sharer" status. (stores the workers DB)
  4. Make HITs for them that are qualified for individual workers. (assignQualification, and stores their HITs in workers DB)
  5. Notify them: "There's a bunch of hits you an work on here"
  6. When they start we treat them as costless or costfull (stores treatment in workers DB and configures sharing list in DB so when they share we keep track of who used their code)

Sharer flow:

  1. See a HIT with many assignments and start working on it. The HIT is pre-qualified to them alone. The preview page of the HIT has consent language.
  2. Work on the HIT: each assignment refers to an individual instance of the many types of work we are targeting. — #2 (completing a HIT updates DB and associated share list)
  3. Share the HIT to others by copy and pasting a snippet to an external location, something like: "Join me in this great work by doing this HIT and entering the code #1235"
  4. In the costless treatment, assignments do not go down when others work. In the costfull treatment, assignments go down as others work. (sends commands to remove HITs that are completed by other workers)

Recipient participant flow:

  1. Perform a setup HIT where they enter a code. (updates share list so that worker relationships are stored)
  2. They are qualified for a set of work hits (uses assignQualification to make HITs available to them)
  3. They work on HITs (each time they submit (or anyone doing any HIT submits) a message triggers DB updates and potential assignment removal)


  1. Expire all remaining HITs


markwhiting commented 9 months ago
markwhiting commented 9 months ago

On Tuesday 17th we will try to:

  1. check how things are going with lambda design
  2. reach out to task providers to work out how to run their tasks

On Friday 20th we will try to do a run through of the system and write it up to share with Duncan and others. For this we should have the main functions working, including showing at least one task type. We can show a demo at that point.

markwhiting commented 8 months ago

Lets start with a task like this survey, using their setup: https://github.com/Watts-Lab/surveys/tree/main/surveys/demographics