Watts-Lab / commonsense-platform

The common sense platform, rate your common sense.
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Statement sampling algorithm #25

Open markwhiting opened 1 year ago

markwhiting commented 1 year ago

We want to build an algorithm that can quickly choose the next statement for someone to rate. There's a few things this algorithm could prioritize so we should consider which ones we care about most. There are also a few different levels of algorithm which imply dramatically different computational loads, so that should also be a consideration.

Possible optimization considerations:

  1. maximize knowledge about each respondent
  2. maximize knowledge about each statement
  3. maximize knowledge about types of respondent
  4. maximize knowledge about types of statement
  5. maximize coverage over all statements
  6. maximize predictive accuracy on new ratings (i.e., collect data about the statements we believe we have the least predictive accuracy on)
  7. maximize predictive accuracy over statements worth predicting (i.e., statements that are gibberish should be algorithmically avoided).

And some of the levels of algorithm might be:

  1. random or block random
  2. optimizing coverage over the statements (i.e., statements are randomly chosen with a weighting that is inverse to the number of times they have already been rated)
  3. optimizing variance within or across people or statements (this can be extended by blocking on statement or person data and other things of course)
  4. training a model and using it or its behavior to inform task selection
  5. using something like a Bayesian optimization approach to choose the next statement (this is probably the most expensive)
markwhiting commented 1 year ago

I think we should have a simple way to switch which approach we use and probably implement at lease a purely random, a weighted random, and a simple model based version.

@amirrr let me know if you have thoughts on any of this.

Also @JamesPHoughton please chime in if you have thoughts you think would help us or any resources you might recommend us considering.

amirrr commented 1 year ago

Currently using reverse weighted reservoir sampling with MySQL seems like a way to quickly get a statement

WITH weighted_questions AS (
    1.0 / (COUNT(answers.statementId)+1) AS weight
        answers ON statements.id = answers.statementId 
  -LOG(RAND()) / weight AS priority
ORDER BY priority ASC  

Refrence: Randomly selecting rows based on weights