Watts-Lab / deliberation-empirica

Empirica V2 framework
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✅ Demo dispatch, live randomization and game creation #379

Closed JamesPHoughton closed 1 year ago

JamesPHoughton commented 1 year ago


HIT funnel

We can think about the process of collecting data from turk workers as a funnel, in which potential participants enter, but through a number of "off ramps" fail to translate to data.


Some of the off ramps are things we can't really control: some people will not want to do the HIT regardless of what else we do, once they know they will need to use a webcam.

Other off-ramps are things that we can address by improving how we use turk - scheduling HITs, notifying workers, etc.

There are a few facets of recruitment which have to do with multiplayer games specifically.

markwhiting commented 1 year ago

There are so many competing effects here. I wonder which ones matter most and which ones are worth trying to attend to most directly.

I know people grab hits like this but I'm not sure it consumes a majority of spaces (especially if we suitably constrain participants), or if it is just a small portion.

Do you have a strong sense of how critical these things are?

amaatouq commented 1 year ago

A developed version of this (both the challenges and potential solutions) would make an amazing post for the empirica blog https://empirica.ly/blog

Also, I think we can easily get SAGE publishing to post it on their MethodSpace https://www.methodspace.com/ (let me know if you are interested, and I will make the intro).

JamesPHoughton commented 1 year ago

@amaatouq Sure, would love to write up more, probably after we test a bunch... =)

JamesPHoughton commented 1 year ago

@markwhiting my sense is that it is a minority of workers overall, but may be a majority of HITs that get completed, as it's biased towards the most active users. I've definitely had problems with HIT squatting in experiments.

JamesPHoughton commented 1 year ago

Notes from discussion:

markwhiting commented 1 year ago

Another strategy I've used is around adding in players after the initial recruitment. This is tricky and perhaps a bit too case specific. It's especially useful if theres something like a rolling experiment start for repeated experiments, but again, rather specific to that setting.

JamesPHoughton commented 1 year ago

Possible HIT sequencing:
