Watts-Lab / deliberation-empirica

Empirica V2 framework
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Screenshot video display to use in later questions #771

Open JamesPHoughton opened 3 months ago

JamesPHoughton commented 3 months ago

Sometimes, you want to ask questions about particular people (e.g. How did you get along with {Role 1}?). To make this easier, it would be nice to be able to take a screenshot and use it again later, to remind people who the other participants were.

Need to be careful with privacy issues, to make sure the image always stayed client side and that we deleted it as soon as the experiment was over, or set some timeout after which it would automatically be deleted? Could do this with SessionStorage, but we wouldn't be able to persist across refreshes. Not sure if there is a way around that if we want to make sure that the data is deleted.
