Open JamesPHoughton opened 1 year ago
Other examples:
Aggregation of: (1) How comfortable are you having close personal friends who are $OTHERPARTYs? Not at all comfortable / Not too comfortable / Somewhat comfortable / Extremely comfortable (2) How comfortable are you having neighbors on your street who are $OTHERPARTYs? (3) Suppose one of your children was getting married. How would you feel if he or she married a $OTHERPARTY? Not upset at all / Not too upset / Somewhat upset / Extremely upset. (Levendusky, Matthew S., and Dominik A. Stecula. 2021. “We Need to Talk: How Cross-Party Dialogue Reduces Affective Polarization.” In Elements in Experimental Political Science. Cambridge University Press.)
How comfortable are you having friends who are [outgroup members]? (Kamin, Julia. 2022. “Social Cohesion Impact Measurement (SCIM) Framework Overview.” Civic Health Project.
"""(i) How comfortable are you having close personal friends who are [Democrats/Republicans]? (ii) How comfortable are you having neighbors on your street who are [Democrats/Republicans]? (b) Scale (i-ii) 101-point scale from “Not comfortable at all” to “Moderately comfortable” to “Extremely comfortable”"" (Jan G. Voelkel, Michael N. Stagnaro, James Chu, Sophia Pink, Joseph S. Mernyk, Chrystal Redekopp, Matthew Cashman, James N. Druckman, David G. Rand, and Robb Willer. 2021. “Megastudy Identifying Successful Interventions to Strengthen Americans’ Democratic Attitudes.”)"
"we formed an index of three measures of comfort with out-partisans (social distance): how upset (not at all upset to extremely upset) participants would feel if their son or daughter married a member of the outparty and how comfortable they were of having outparty friends and neighbors (not at all comfortable to extremely comfortable)" (Santoro, Erik, and David E. Broockman. 2022. “The Promise and Pitfalls of Cross-Partisan Conversations for Reducing Affective Polarization: Evidence from Randomized Experiments.” Science Advances 8 (25): eabn5515.)
We elicited participants’ willingness to engage in personal contact by asking participants to state their level of agreement to the statement that they do not want to have a person with opposing views in their social envi-ronment. "I would like this person to be in my personal environment. (rev.)" (Fang, Ximeng, Sven Heuser, and Lasse S. Stötzer. 2023. “How In-Person Conversations Shape Political Polarization: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from a Nationwide Initiative.” In Econtribute.
Skitka, Linda J., Christopher W. Bauman, and Edward G. Sargis. 2005. “Moral Conviction: Another Contributor to Attitude Strength or Something More?” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 88 (6): 895–917.
> Ryan, Timothy J. 2014. “Reconsidering Moral Issues in Politics.” The Journal of Politics 76 (2): 380–97
Mutz, Diana C., and Jeffery J. Mondak. 2006. “The Workplace as a Context for Cross-Cutting Political Discourse.” The Journal of Politics 68 (1): 140–55.
Survey Title
"Super Special Survey" <- note, this is just a placeholder name - replace it with the name of the actual survey.
Survey Source
Survey Overview
Aggregation/scoring function
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