Watts-Lab / surveys

Library of surveys for deliberation experiments
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Explore whether to replace surveyJS with a custom renderer #183

Closed JamesPHoughton closed 1 month ago

JamesPHoughton commented 3 months ago

We want a consistently renderable set of surveys, but needs to be the surveys we actually want to use.

As an experiment designer where I am trying to progressively find out things about an issue where i have many potential paths through the experiment, and I don't want to elucidate them all in a json file, but maybe have a function that lets me dig down on particular items or take different branching paths based on previous responses.



What we would want to add as features

What are the steps we would need to do?


react hook forms @christabusho @evanping

surveyJS @acao22 @amirrr

decisions to make

@markwhiting @evanping @christabusho @acao22 @dankim444 @amirrr - feel free to edit this list

Upshot: we will answer questions about SurveyJS and React hook forms before deciding.

markwhiting commented 3 months ago

@amirrr — you might also have thoughts on this.

markwhiting commented 3 months ago

Perhaps useful to consider properties of React Hook Form on this (for @acao22, @amirrr and I, who are less familiar) -> https://github.com/Watts-Lab/researcher-portal/issues/48

christabusho commented 3 months ago

Customizability of react hook forms

React Hook Form is designed to be highly customizable, making it a good choice for creating complex and dynamic forms tailored to specific needs.

Custom Input Components: It allows seamless integration of custom input components using the Controller component, ensuring flexible form structures.

Custom Validation: It supports custom validation logic through functions or third-party libraries like Zod, enabling complex validation scenarios.

Integration with UI Libraries: it integrates well with UI libraries such as Material-UI, allowing for styled components while maintaining form state and validation.

Dynamic Forms: It supports dynamic form fields, enabling conditional logic based on user interactions.

Custom Styling: It provides flexibility to apply custom styles directly or through CSS-in-JS solutions, adhering to design guidelines and enhancing the user interface.

acao22 commented 3 months ago

Thoughts on Survey JS:

Using Their Infrastructure and Replacing React Components: SurveyJS is nice in the sense that we can use their infrastructure while replacing their default React components with our custom components, so it allows a lot more customization (I belive through its API and configuration options, you can also override the default components with your own to fit your specific requirements)

Customization: Not sure if we currently have this but one example is that SurveyJS supports theming, so we can create and apply custom themes to surveys. They also allow CSS classes and all the usual customization. Another example of customization that might be useful is controlling the presentation order of questions. You can define the order explicitly in the survey JSON, use conditional logic to show or hide questions based on previous answers, and use dynamic panels and matrices (not sure exactly how but it is an option) to manage complex survey structures.

Thoughts on SurveyJS and replacing entire library: I think it's worth debating as we already have in our meeting on Monday, but overall SurveyJS offers a comprehensive and flexible solution for creating and managing surveys with a lot of customization options. So I think it would definitely help give us that flexibility that we are looking for. However, transitioning to a new library is pretty difficult and will probably be quite complicated, so it's important to weigh the benefits against the costs and consider how well SurveyJS aligns with our long-term goals

JamesPHoughton commented 1 month ago

I think our decision on this was to stick with surveyJS for now, as we can more or less do everything we need, and we are learning how to customize surveyJS. If we had infinite resources, we might prefer a more customizable implementation, but it isn't something that moves us substantially closer to completing research in the near or medium term, and so probably not worth the effort for limited budgets.

Thank you to everyone who researched and thought about this! @acao22, @christabusho, @markwhiting, @amirrr