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Participant topic survey #32

Closed JamesPHoughton closed 9 months ago

JamesPHoughton commented 2 years ago

As a scientist, I want to understand how the participants' discussion about a topic is influenced by their personal experience with and knowledge of the topic itself, so that I can better predict outcomes for particular groups. Some of the player/topic interactions I'm interested in include:

It would be useful to look to the literature and see if other researchers have already designed and used questions similar to these to get at participants' experiences. Ideally we could implement pre-validated questions and would not need to do the work of justifying our own question writing.

kepstein23 commented 2 years ago
kepstein23 commented 2 years ago
kepstein23 commented 2 years ago

How much influence do you have on the outcome

JamesPHoughton commented 1 year ago

Ideally, these questions would be applicable to a variety of types of questions:

General "societal level" questions:

  1. Should abortion be legal?
  2. Can Alternative Energy Effectively Replace Fossil Fuels?
  3. Should Washington, DC, and Puerto Rico Be Granted US Statehood?

Group-specific questions:

  1. Should Dress Codes Be Implemented and Enforced?
  2. Should the church group allocate money to fix the heating system or the roof?
  3. Should the school PTA group hold the end of year party at the school, or at the park?
  4. Should a social club implement a sliding scale for membership fees?

Individual level questions:

  1. Should humans consume dairy milk?

Here are som suggestions from GPT:

How familiar are you with the topic? a) Very familiar b) Moderately familiar c) Slightly familiar d) Not familiar at all

How often do you engage in discussions or activities related to the topic? a) Very frequently b) Occasionally c) Rarely d) Never

Have you conducted any research or sought information about the topic? a) Extensively b) Somewhat c) Very little d) None at all

Do you personally know anyone directly affected by the topic? a) Yes, many people b) Yes, a few people c) Maybe one person d) No, I don't know anyone affected

How much power or influence do you believe you have to shape the outcome or decisions related to the topic? a) A great deal b) Some influence c) Very little influence d) No influence at all

How emotionally invested are you in the topic? a) Extremely invested b) Somewhat invested c) Neutral d) Not invested at all

Have you actively participated in any related events or protests? a) Yes, multiple times b) Yes, once or twice c) No, but I support those who do d) No, I haven't participated in any events

How much do the outcomes or decisions related to the topic directly impact your life? a) Significantly b) Moderately c) Minimally d) Not at all

Have you had personal experiences that influenced your opinion on the topic? a) Yes, multiple experiences b) Yes, a few experiences c) Maybe one experience d) No personal experiences

How much do you value the opinions of experts and authorities on the topic? a) Highly value them b) Consider them to some extent c) Don't consider them much d) Completely disregard them

Have you engaged in conversations or debates about the topic in the past? a) Frequently b) Occasionally c) Rarely d) Never

How open are you to changing your opinion about the topic based on new information or perspectives? a) Very open b) Somewhat open c) Reluctant to change d) Not open at all

How much media coverage or information exposure have you had regarding the topic? a) Extensive coverage b) Some coverage c) Minimal coverage d) No coverage at all

Are you actively involved in any organizations or communities related to the topic? a) Yes, actively involved b) Connected but not actively involved c) No, but interested in joining d) Not involved at all

How much do you believe your personal values and beliefs influence your stance on the topic? a) They strongly influence my stance b) They somewhat influence my stance c) They have minimal influence on my stance d) They don't influence my stance at all

Which of the following best describes your level of technical expertise or knowledge about the topic? a) Expert/professional in the field b) Advanced knowledge and understanding c) Basic understanding d) Limited knowledge or unfamiliar with technical aspects

Have you received formal education or training specifically related to the topic? a) Yes, extensively b) Yes, to some extent c) No, but I have informal knowledge/experience d) No, I have no formal or informal knowledge/experience

How confident are you in explaining the technical details and concepts associated with the topic? a) Very confident b) Somewhat confident c) Not very confident d) Not confident at all

Have you worked professionally or conducted research related to the topic? a) Yes, extensively b) Yes, to some extent c) No, but I have personal experience d) No, I have no professional or personal experience

Have you published or contributed to any works (e.g., papers, articles, projects) related to the topic? a) Yes, multiple publications/contributions b) Yes, one or a few publications/contributions c) No, but I have some unpublished work d) No, I haven't published or contributed anything related

How familiar are you with the specialized terminology and jargon commonly used in discussions about the topic? a) Very familiar, I can confidently use and understand the terminology b) Moderately familiar, I understand most terms but may struggle with some c) Slightly familiar, I recognize a few terms but lack in-depth understanding d) Not familiar at all, the terminology is largely unfamiliar to me

Have you participated in any professional conferences or events related to the topic? a) Yes, regularly b) Yes, occasionally c) No, but I have attended some events as an observer d) No, I haven't attended any professional conferences or events

How up-to-date are you with the latest advancements, research, or trends in the field/topic? a) Very up-to-date, actively follow and engage with new developments b) Fairly up-to-date, stay informed through various sources c) Somewhat up-to-date, but not actively seeking new information d) Not up-to-date, rely on older or limited information

Do you possess any specialized certifications or credentials relevant to the topic? a) Yes, multiple certifications/credentials b) Yes, one or a few certifications/credentials c) No, but I have relevant informal training or experience d) No, I don't possess any certifications or credentials

How comfortable are you engaging in technical discussions or debates about the topic with experts in the field? a) Very comfortable, I can hold my own and contribute effectively b) Somewhat comfortable, but may struggle with complex technical aspects c) Not very comfortable, prefer discussions at a more basic level d) Not comfortable at all, feel overwhelmed by technical discussions

Do you feel adequately informed about the various options and alternatives related to the topic? a) Yes, I have a thorough understanding of the options and alternatives available b) Somewhat, I have some knowledge but would like more information c) Not entirely, I feel there may be additional options or alternatives I'm not aware of d) No, I lack sufficient information about the options and alternatives

Have you conducted sufficient research or sought out relevant information about the topic? a) Yes, extensively b) Yes, to some extent c) No, but I have gathered basic information d) No, I haven't conducted any research or sought out information

Do you believe you have a comprehensive understanding of the potential consequences or impacts associated with each decision option? a) Yes, I have considered and understand the potential consequences thoroughly b) Partially, I have some understanding but may need more information c) Not fully, I feel there may be additional consequences or impacts I haven't considered d) No, I lack sufficient information about the potential consequences or impacts

How confident do you feel in your ability to evaluate the credibility and reliability of the information you have gathered? a) Very confident, I have experience and skills in evaluating information sources b) Moderately confident, but I may need some assistance or verification c) Not very confident, I may have difficulty determining the credibility and reliability d) Not confident at all, I'm unsure how to evaluate information sources effectively

Have you sought input or perspectives from others who may have different viewpoints or expertise on the topic? a) Yes, extensively b) Yes, to some extent c) No, but I have considered some differing perspectives d) No, I haven't sought input or considered differing perspectives

Do you believe there are any significant gaps in your knowledge or information that could affect your decision-making? a) No, I feel well-informed without any significant gaps in knowledge b) Yes, there may be some gaps, but they are relatively minor c) Yes, there are notable gaps in my knowledge or information that could impact my decision d) I'm uncertain, I'm not sure if there are gaps in my knowledge or information

How important is it to you to have all the necessary information before making a decision on this topic? a) Extremely important, I want to ensure I have all the facts before deciding b) Moderately important, I prefer to have sufficient information but can make decisions with some uncertainty c) Not very important, I can make decisions based on limited information or partial knowledge d) Not important at all, I'm comfortable making decisions with minimal information or uncertainty

When considering this topic, do you believe it involves primarily: a) Moral considerations and values b) Technical considerations and problem-solving c) Both moral and technical aspects d) Neither moral nor technical aspects

In your opinion, is the outcome of this decision a matter of personal values and beliefs, or is it more based on objective facts and evidence? a) Primarily based on personal values and beliefs b) Primarily based on objective facts and evidence c) Both personal values and objective facts play a significant role d) Neither personal values nor objective facts play a significant role

How important is it for you to consider ethical or moral implications when making a decision on this topic? a) Extremely important, ethics and morality are central to the decision b) Moderately important, ethics and morality should be considered to some extent c) Not very important, ethics and morality have minimal relevance to the decision d) Not important at all, ethics and morality should not be a factor in the decision

When discussing this topic, do you find that people often have differing moral or ethical perspectives rather than disagreements on the technical aspects? a) Yes, moral or ethical perspectives are the primary source of disagreement b) Sometimes, there can be differing moral or ethical perspectives alongside technical disagreements c) No, disagreements primarily arise from technical aspects rather than moral or ethical considerations d) I'm not sure, I haven't observed enough discussions on this topic

How much consensus do you believe exists regarding the desired outcome of this decision, even if people may have different ideas about how to achieve it? a) There is broad consensus on the desired outcome, with varying views on the approach b) There is some consensus, but significant differences exist in defining the desired outcome c) There is minimal consensus, with considerable disagreement on both the outcome and approach d) There is no consensus at all, as the desired outcome is not agreed upon

In your view, does this decision primarily involve objective criteria and expertise, or does it heavily rely on subjective judgment and personal values? a) Primarily objective criteria and expertise b) A combination of objective criteria and subjective judgment c) Primarily subjective judgment and personal values d) Neither objective criteria nor subjective judgment significantly impact the decision

How likely do you think it is that people with different moral perspectives can reach a compromise on this topic? a) Highly likely, as compromises can often be found despite differing moral perspectives b) Possible, but challenging due to the deep-rooted moral differences involved c) Unlikely, as moral perspectives are unlikely to align or be reconciled d) I'm unsure, as I have not seen or considered the potential for compromise on this topic

How much financial expertise or knowledge do you possess related to the topic? a) Extensive financial expertise b) Moderate financial knowledge c) Basic understanding of financial concepts d) Limited to no financial knowledge

Have you personally invested or have a financial stake in areas closely related to the topic? a) Yes, I have significant personal investments or financial stakes b) Yes, I have some personal investments or financial stakes c) No, but I have a general interest in financial aspects d) No, I have no personal investments or financial stakes

How much impact do the financial aspects of the topic have on your personal or professional life? a) Significant impact, it directly affects my financial well-being b) Moderate impact, it has some financial implications for me c) Minimal impact, it has limited financial relevance in my life d) No impact, it does not affect my financial situation

Have you conducted any financial analysis or considered the cost implications related to the topic? a) Yes, extensive financial analysis and consideration b) Yes, some financial analysis and consideration c) No, but I have a general understanding of the cost implications d) No, I haven't conducted any financial analysis or considered the costs

How well do you understand the potential economic benefits or risks associated with different options or decisions related to the topic? a) Very well, I have a thorough understanding of the economic factors involved b) Moderately well, I have a general grasp of the economic benefits or risks c) Not very well, I have some limited knowledge of the economic implications d) Not at all, I lack understanding of the economic aspects

How comfortable are you in discussing financial matters and engaging in conversations about financial implications of the topic? a) Very comfortable, I can effectively discuss and analyze financial matters b) Somewhat comfortable, but may require additional guidance or support c) Not very comfortable, I may struggle to understand or contribute to financial discussions d) Not comfortable at all, I prefer to avoid financial discussions

Have you experienced any financial impacts or consequences related to similar topics in the past? a) Yes, significant financial impacts b) Yes, some minor financial impacts c) No, but I am aware of potential financial consequences d) No, I haven't experienced any financial impacts related to similar topics

How would you rate the potential rewards or benefits associated with the different options or decisions related to the topic? a) High potential for significant rewards or benefits b) Moderate potential for notable rewards or benefits c) Limited potential for minimal rewards or benefits d) Negligible potential for any rewards or benefits

How would you rate the potential risks or drawbacks associated with the different options or decisions related to the topic? a) High potential for significant risks or drawbacks b) Moderate potential for notable risks or drawbacks c) Limited potential for minimal risks or drawbacks d) Negligible potential for any risks or drawbacks

How confident are you in assessing and understanding the potential risks and rewards associated with the different options or decisions related to the topic? a) Very confident, I have a strong understanding of the potential risks and rewards b) Moderately confident, I have some knowledge but may require additional information c) Not very confident, I may struggle to assess or evaluate the risks and rewards effectively d) Not confident at all, I lack the understanding to assess the risks and rewards adequately

How willing are you to take on higher risks for the potential of higher rewards or benefits? a) Very willing, I am comfortable with taking significant risks for potentially significant rewards b) Moderately willing, I can tolerate moderate risks for notable rewards c) Not very willing, I prefer minimal risks even if it means lower rewards d) Not willing at all, I avoid risks and prioritize avoiding potential negative outcomes

How important is it for you to minimize potential risks or drawbacks when making a decision on this topic? a) Extremely important, I prioritize avoiding risks and minimizing drawbacks b) Moderately important, I consider risks but also value potential rewards or benefits c) Not very important, risks are of lesser concern compared to other factors d) Not important at all, risks are not a significant consideration for me

How much weight do you give to the potential rewards or benefits when evaluating the different options or decisions related to the topic? a) Significant weight, potential rewards heavily influence my decision-making b) Moderate weight, potential rewards are considered alongside other factors c) Minimal weight, potential rewards have limited influence on my decision-making d) No weight, potential rewards do not impact my decision-making

How much weight do you give to the potential risks or drawbacks when evaluating the different options or decisions related to the topic? a) Significant weight, potential risks heavily influence my decision-making b) Moderate weight, potential risks are considered alongside other factors c) Minimal weight, potential risks have limited influence on my decision-making d) No weight, potential risks do not impact my decision-making

How important are aesthetic factors, such as visual appeal or design, when evaluating the different options or decisions related to the topic? a) Extremely important, aesthetics heavily influence my decision-making b) Moderately important, aesthetics are considered alongside other factors c) Not very important, aesthetics have minimal influence on my decision-making d) Not important at all, aesthetics do not impact my decision-making

How much do you value the overall aesthetic coherence or harmony when assessing the options or decisions related to the topic? a) Very much, aesthetic coherence is a significant consideration for me b) Somewhat, I appreciate aesthetic coherence but also consider other factors c) Not much, aesthetic coherence is of limited importance in my decision-making d) Not at all, aesthetic coherence has no influence on my decision-making

How likely are you to choose an option that is aesthetically pleasing even if it may have other disadvantages? a) Very likely, I prioritize aesthetics over other factors b) Somewhat likely, aesthetics play a role but are not the sole determinant c) Not very likely, aesthetics have limited impact on my decision d) Not likely at all, aesthetics do not affect my decision-making

How much weight do you give to the aesthetic aspects when evaluating the different options or decisions related to the topic? a) Significant weight, aesthetics heavily influence my decision-making b) Moderate weight, aesthetics are considered alongside other factors c) Minimal weight, aesthetics have limited influence on my decision-making d) No weight, aesthetics do not impact my decision-making

How would you rate the importance of creating a visually pleasing or aesthetically appealing outcome in the context of the topic? a) Very important, creating a visually pleasing outcome is a top priority b) Moderately important, creating a visually pleasing outcome is valued but not the highest priority c) Not very important, creating a visually pleasing outcome has limited significance d) Not important at all, visual aesthetics have no importance in the context of the topic

How likely are you to seek input or opinions from others regarding the aesthetic aspects of the options or decisions related to the topic? a) Very likely, I actively seek input on the aesthetic aspects from others b) Somewhat likely, I may consider others' opinions on aesthetics alongside other factors c) Not very likely, I rely on my own judgment for assessing aesthetics d) Not likely at all, I do not consider others' opinions on aesthetics

How important is the reputation or credibility of individuals or organizations involved in the topic when evaluating options or decisions? a) Very important, reputation heavily influences my evaluation of options or decisions b) Moderately important, reputation is a consideration alongside other factors c) Not very important, reputation has limited impact on my evaluation process d) Not important at all, reputation does not affect my evaluation of options or decisions

How likely are you to research and consider the reputation of individuals or organizations involved in the topic before making a decision? a) Very likely, I extensively research and consider reputation before making a decision b) Somewhat likely, I consider reputation to some extent but may not extensively research c) Not very likely, I rely more on other factors rather than reputation d) Not likely at all, reputation does not play a role in my decision-making process

How much weight do you give to the reputation of individuals or organizations when evaluating the different options or decisions related to the topic? a) Significant weight, reputation heavily influences my decision-making b) Moderate weight, reputation is considered alongside other factors c) Minimal weight, reputation has limited influence on my decision-making d) No weight, reputation does not impact my decision-making

How likely are you to seek opinions or feedback from others about the reputation of individuals or organizations involved in the topic? a) Very likely, I actively seek opinions on reputation from others b) Somewhat likely, I may consider others' opinions on reputation alongside other factors c) Not very likely, I rely more on my own judgment for assessing reputation d) Not likely at all, I do not consider others' opinions on reputation

How much does the reputation of individuals or organizations influence your perception of the trustworthiness or reliability of the options or decisions related to the topic? a) Very much, reputation significantly impacts my perception of trustworthiness or reliability b) Somewhat, reputation plays a role but is not the sole determinant of trustworthiness or reliability c) Not much, reputation has limited impact on my perception of trustworthiness or reliability d) Not at all, reputation does not affect my perception of trustworthiness or reliability

How likely are you to share or recommend options or decisions related to the topic based on the reputation of individuals or organizations involved? a) Very likely, I share or recommend options based on the reputation of individuals or organizations b) Somewhat likely, reputation may influence my sharing or recommending decisions to some extent c) Not very likely, I base my sharing or recommending decisions more on other factors d) Not likely at all, reputation does not impact my sharing or recommending decisions

How important do you believe technical knowledge or expertise is in order to provide a well-informed answer to the question? a) Very important, technical knowledge is crucial for a well-informed answer b) Moderately important, technical knowledge can enhance the quality of an answer c) Not very important, technical knowledge is not necessary to provide a proper answer d) Not important at all, technical knowledge is irrelevant for answering the question

To what extent do you think technical knowledge or specialized expertise is required to fully grasp the complexities of the question? a) Technical knowledge is essential to fully understand and address the question b) Technical knowledge can contribute to a better understanding of the question c) Technical knowledge is not necessary for a sufficient grasp of the question d) Technical knowledge has no relevance in understanding the question

How confident are you that individuals without technical knowledge or expertise can provide accurate and reliable answers to the question? a) Not confident at all, technical knowledge is essential for accuracy and reliability b) Somewhat confident, technical knowledge can enhance accuracy and reliability c) Moderately confident, technical knowledge is not a significant factor in accuracy and reliability d) Very confident, technical knowledge is not required for accuracy and reliability

How likely do you think it is for individuals with technical knowledge to provide more nuanced or comprehensive answers to the question? a) Very likely, technical knowledge enables more nuanced and comprehensive answers b) Somewhat likely, technical knowledge can contribute to more nuanced and comprehensive answers c) Not very likely, technical knowledge has minimal impact on the nuance and comprehensiveness of answers d) Not likely at all, technical knowledge does not affect the nuance and comprehensiveness of answers

How important is it to you that the answers to the question demonstrate a sound understanding of the technical aspects involved? a) Very important, a sound understanding of technical aspects is crucial for valid answers b) Moderately important, a sound understanding of technical aspects can enhance the validity of answers c) Not very important, technical understanding is not necessary for valid answers d) Not important at all, technical understanding is irrelevant for valid answers

How likely are individuals without technical knowledge to overlook important details or aspects of the question? a) Very likely, technical knowledge is necessary to avoid overlooking important details or aspects b) Somewhat likely, technical knowledge can help prevent overlooking important details or aspects c) Not very likely, technical knowledge is not essential to avoid overlooking important details or aspects d) Not likely at all, technical knowledge has no impact on overlooking important details or aspects

What level of special knowledge or technical skills are needed to properly address this topic?" a) None: No special knowledge or technical skills are needed to properly address this topic. b) Basic: Basic understanding and fundamental technical skills are sufficient to properly address this topic. c) Intermediate: Intermediate level of specialized knowledge and technical skills are required to properly address this topic. d) Advanced: Advanced level of specialized knowledge and technical skills are necessary to properly address this topic. e) Expert: Extensive expertise and highly advanced technical skills are essential to properly address this topic.

Does the topic concert primarily a matter of fact, or a matter of opinion? a) Primarily Fact: The topic is primarily a question of fact that can be objectively determined or verified. b) Mostly Fact: The topic leans towards being a question of fact but may involve some subjective interpretation. c) Equally Fact and Opinion: The topic incorporates elements of both fact and opinion, with a balance between objective and subjective aspects. d) Mostly Opinion: The topic leans towards being a question of opinion but may involve some factual elements. e) Primarily Opinion: The topic is primarily a question of opinion that involves subjective viewpoints or personal preferences.

JamesPHoughton commented 1 year ago

What I really want with this survey is to have alternative dimensions that can help explain why a particular discussion topic might yield a different result for a particular group of people. If I can characterize the things people bring to the topic before the discussion starts,

JamesPHoughton commented 9 months ago

Complete in https://github.com/Watts-Lab/surveys/tree/main/surveys/attitudeAttributes