Currently we have a code snippet for wrapping surveyjs surveys for empirica. However, we don't have the usePlayer hook, and so writing a callback to save the data doesn't work. For example, in our empirica experiment, we have:
export default function SurveyWrapper({ surveyJson, scoreFunc, next }) {
const game = useGame()
const player = usePlayer();
const surveyModel = new Model(surveyJson);
const saveResults = useCallback( sender => {
const { data } = sender;
const responses = data; // is there a better way to do this?
let result = scoreFunc ? scoreFunc(responses) : {} // if no scoreFunc defined, default to empty dict
const record = {
responses: data,
result: result
player.set('Surveys', record);
<Survey style={surveyStyle} model={surveyModel} />
What we really need is for whoever is using these surveys to have a reproducible way of using them. Maybe we don't need to include the actual surveyWrapper component here?
Currently we have a code snippet for wrapping surveyjs surveys for empirica. However, we don't have the usePlayer hook, and so writing a callback to save the data doesn't work. For example, in our empirica experiment, we have:
What we really need is for whoever is using these surveys to have a reproducible way of using them. Maybe we don't need to include the actual surveyWrapper component here?