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[Add] Ostracism Survey #48

Closed JamesPHoughton closed 2 years ago

JamesPHoughton commented 2 years ago

Survey Title

Survey Source


Nicole Abi-Esber Alison Wood Brooks Ethan Burris. n.d. “Feeling Seen: Leader Eye Gaze Promotes Psychological Safety, Participation, and Voice.”

adapted from:

Gerber, J. P., Chang, S. H., & Reimel, H. (2017). Construct validity of Williams' ostracism needs threat scale. Personality and Individual Differences, 115, 50-53.

Survey Overview

Ostracism survey items (adapted from Gerber et al., 2017)

  1. During this conversation I felt poorly accepted by the other members of the group. 2. During this conversation I felt somewhat inadequate.
  2. During this conversation I felt like an outsider.
  3. During this conversation I felt that other people in the group did not perceive me as worthy and likable.
  4. During this conversation I felt somewhat frustrated.
  5. During this conversation I felt good about myself. (R)
  6. During this conversation I felt in control. (R)

(R) stands for 'reverse coded'


JamesPHoughton commented 2 years ago

Thoughts from Netta:

All good things to measure, but conceptually messy because it includes lots of different concepts.

If we find effects on this survey, we don't know exactly what the effects are from.

Really we want a survey that talks about relatedness with other people in the group as a single concept.

JamesPHoughton commented 2 years ago

@sky1113 - lets hold off on implementing this one and see if we find something that handles the above issues more cleanly.