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[Add] Openness to Change #57

Open JamesPHoughton opened 2 years ago

JamesPHoughton commented 2 years ago

Survey Title

Survey Source

Aparently in Omoto, A. M., and M. Snyder. 1995. “Sustained Helping without Obligation: Motivation, Longevity of Service, and Perceived Attitude Change among AIDS Volunteers.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 68 (4): 671–86.

Used in

participants were asked to think about a negative bias (prejudice) they have towards a specific group. For this purpose, all participants received the following instruction (translated from Hebrew): “Please take a few minutes to think about any negative bias you may have or have had in the past towards a particular social group. Most people will feel some kind of bias throughout their lives. Bias is defined as negative feelings and thoughts about a group of people with a common characteristic.” Examples were provided to help orient participants to the kind of bias examined in this study (namely, prejudice towards out-groups), and to encourage par- ticipants to think concretely about what this bias might mean to them. Afterward, participants were asked to write a short description of the bias they described. Openness to change with regard to the prejudiced attitude was adapted from previous research (Omoto & Snyder, 1995). Specifically, it read: “To which extent do you feel that the conversation changed your attitude about the bias?”

Survey Overview
