Watts-Lab / surveys

Library of surveys for deliberation experiments
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[Add] Self-reported Self-insight #58

Open JamesPHoughton opened 2 years ago

JamesPHoughton commented 2 years ago

Survey Title

This is different from being able to list facts or ideas about a topic.

Survey Source

Itzchakov, Guy, Netta Weinstein, Nicole Legate, and Moty Amar. 2020. “Can High Quality Listening Predict Lower Speakers’ Prejudiced Attitudes?” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 91 (November): 104022.

Survey Overview

Self-insight. A five-item scale that included the following items: “how much do you feel this conversation: “Helped to understand yourself better?”, “Made you think more deeply about the topic?” “Helped you to discover new or different insights about yourself?” “Helped you to reflect about your attitudes?” and “Helped you think about things in a different way?” (α = 0.92).
