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An ongoing map of the tasks in the team performance literature.
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⚙️ Task Mapping Paper Writing Progress Updates #376

Open xehu opened 2 years ago

xehu commented 2 years ago

Paper Writing and Manuscript Preparation

Update 5/25: This week, I just went through another round of revisions on the paper. We were also able to share the draft with Matthew Cronin, to see if he thinks it would be a good fit for an Academy of Management journal instead. I see that @duncanjwatts has left some new comments, so I will continue to iterate!

A few open / unresolved steps:

Update 5/04: I just met with Abdullah this morning, and we have a plan for new revisions, which I will work on starting from early next week (have to get through a machine learning final)!

Update 4/20: We are gearing up to get this paper submitted. Thank you to everyone who has been able to provide feedback thus far --- your help is greatly appreciated!

Here's the progress this week / something we can discuss:

Update 4/13: I have now finished another pass of the paper, and I am ready for your feedback! You can read the latest draft at the previous link, here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IdcgZ1QTHsn-ntpEWJPQ_hlWGTq48UC-OTnP-K6bDH8/edit

Please let me know your thoughts / drop comments!!

Update 3/23: I've been iterating on this paper for a few weeks now with Abdullah, and we're now quite close to a journal submission. My soft target is to get this done and in some editor's mailbox by May 1, 2023.

I wanted to let you all know about the expected timeline (which may evolve over time, but I wanted to get something down in writing)!

By ~April 3, 2023: Emily to finish a last pass / revision of the paper based on Abdullah's feedback. Will send to Mark (@markwhiting), Linnea (@linneagandhi), Duncan (@duncanjwatts), and Abdullah (@amaatouq) for feedback. By ~April 17, 2023 (2 weeks later): Mark, Linnea, Duncan, and Abdullah to provide feedback. Emily to clean up appendices, write cover letter, identify reviewers. At some point in between: post to internal lab channel for anyone interested to give feedback. By ~May 1, 2023: Submit to Management Science, once 4 coauthors sign off.

Can you all let me know if this timeline works for all of you?

Update 2/2: Based on comments and feedback from Duncan and Abdullah, I've been working on (yet) another rewrite! I've taken a pass on the introduction so far, and have moved the working edits to this document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IdcgZ1QTHsn-ntpEWJPQ_hlWGTq48UC-OTnP-K6bDH8/edit

I'll be meeting with Abdullah on 2/6 and will continue the process of refining and preparing this work for submission!

Update 1/19: As of the new year, the paper is fully written up: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RqCUjMYTUeKdUegSu8ffZCbu3UU7kY1JA24brMKv7eM/edit?pli=1#

Here are my thoughts on next steps [looking for getting everyone on the same page / discussion]:

Additionally, there is some analysis/actions outstanding, mostly on my end:

Update 8/7: After discussion, will plan a restructuring of the paper as a next step.

Update 9/30: Emily to discuss with Duncan and Abdullah on 10/5 to plan next steps for the paper.

Update 9/23: The Trouble With Taxonomies paper is written up (draft here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1P5RzV3YvDO5xbuTo7jIbQTxMRQamVfeoQZSb9Q3mxoU/edit#heading=h.1mhpyox6oew7) I present it at 3PM today!

markwhiting commented 1 year ago

Exciting. Looking forward to it!

JamesPHoughton commented 1 year ago

Happy to look at it =) Are you getting chatGPT as a reviewer?

xehu commented 1 year ago

Haha @JamesPHoughton I have not given it to ChatGPT yet lol....human reviewers only for now!

markwhiting commented 1 year ago

Awesome! Excited for the paper. The timeline seems good.

markwhiting commented 1 year ago

Awesome! Will be feed backing shortly!

markwhiting commented 1 year ago

I want to think about a good way to create a public-facing version of the repository, and make it easier for people to contribute their own tasks/dimensions (as we promised). Do people think it's a good idea to hire someone on Upwork and get them to help set up a front-end/back-end system?

I think theres a lot to be done for this as we have outlined, but we can do it after the paper submission. I think hiring someone on upward or an RA would be fine, but I think we should perhaps refine our design a bit before launching into that.

xehu commented 1 year ago

@markwhiting yes; the proposal here is that we figure out a bare-minimum/MVP release now, so that we can write about it in the paper that we will be sending to publication very soon. I don't think it should wait, because as @linneagandhi pointed out in her feedback this week, it's good to strike while the iron is hot; and to essentially create a mechanism for people to take action if they are inspired when they read the paper.

Thus, I'm wondering if you all have thoughts on some initial designs that we could get quickly implemented via Upwork?

linneagandhi commented 1 year ago

@xehu I wonder if maybe you could be even lighter with an MVP? Meaning, you could setup a public website that has a D3 style visualization of the current state tasks. (Something pretty with dimensions + images of the tasks). Then have a "contact us" section for people to submit ideas - and you could even have a second page on the site where you log those (maybe weekly, in batches) with credit (for incentive). That way the code involved would be super light touch. Another tool that an engineering friend suggested to me was 'retool - but I haven't explored it in depth. He suggested it would be a super light way to spin up a backend/frontend with little technical knowledge reqd.

markwhiting commented 1 year ago

Sorry on my delay this week — aiming to provide more feedback tonight!