Watts-Lab / team_comm_tools

An open-source Python library that turns multiparty conversational data into social-science backed features.
MIT License
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Implementation: Linguistic Alignment (e.g., WHAM) #323

Open xehu opened 2 weeks ago

xehu commented 2 weeks ago

WHAM paper: https://aclanthology.org/P16-1050.pdf

Example application: https://web.stanford.edu/~amirgo/docs/alignmentatwork.pdf

R code: https://github.com/langcog/disc_align

xehu commented 1 week ago

@pradnayapathak next step: share to @sundy1994 the code for LSM so far (you can either send via Slack or make a new branch on GitHub and put it in the src/team_comm_tools/features/ folder

sundy1994 commented 5 days ago

Nov 7th update: Pradnaya and I met today. She'll clean up the LSM feature file and upload to a new branch, and we'll both read through the WHAM paper and meet again. Question: It seems we need some results from the current feature builder to compute the LSM score. What is the best way here?