Currently, the MoreOptionForOtherProfile widget provides options like Report, Block, Share To, Website Url, and Cancel. We need to add a "Message" option to this widget. Upon clicking this new option, the user should be directed to the message box to initiate a conversation.
Steps to Reproduce:
Navigate to the profile of another user.
Click on the More Options button.
Observe the available options in the MoreOptionForOtherProfile widget.
Expected Behavior:
There should be a "Message" option in the MoreOptionForOtherProfile widget. Clicking on this option should redirect the user to the message box of the selected user.
Actual Behavior:
Currently, there is no "Message" option available in the MoreOptionForOtherProfile widget.
Proposed Solution:
Add a new ListTile for the "Message" option in the MoreOptionForOtherProfile widget.
Ensure that clicking on the "Message" option redirects the user to the message box for initiating a conversation.
Currently, the MoreOptionForOtherProfile widget provides options like Report, Block, Share To, Website Url, and Cancel. We need to add a "Message" option to this widget. Upon clicking this new option, the user should be directed to the message box to initiate a conversation.
Steps to Reproduce:
Expected Behavior:
There should be a "Message" option in the MoreOptionForOtherProfile widget. Clicking on this option should redirect the user to the message box of the selected user.
Actual Behavior:
Currently, there is no "Message" option available in the MoreOptionForOtherProfile widget.
Proposed Solution: