Wavy-Bot / bot

The blazing-fast Discord bot.
GNU General Public License v3.0
6 stars 3 forks source link

Move to DiscordGo #22

Closed Wallvon closed 2 years ago

Wallvon commented 2 years ago

I am absolutely done with Pycord and it is time to move on. Memory management and usage have been dreadful, the bot's bootup time is absolutely horrid (UPDATE: this apparently was due to a chunk_guilds_at_startup flag that was on by default.) and due to Python also being on the slower side the bot tends to ahem time out a lot doing basic stuff (albeit it's mostly my less than ideal Spotify integration). You will probably not see any updates for a while until I am competent enough with Go and actually have the confidence to push a bot made with it to GitHub.

Also, the current approach of including an API with the bot makes it so you cannot shut down the bot without killing it. I tried a basic Go bot with Fiber, and it was painless.

I am sorry to everyone that wanted to use this version of the bot, and I'll also keep it up for a while, but currently, I am going to be focussing on moving to DiscordGo seeing as I am also trying to learn Go so it was bound to happen anyway. My motivation for making Discord bots has also been non-existent, and my self-discipline is also running out. I still have no idea what to do with the bot since right now it is just yet another multi-purpose Discord bot, and I have no idea how to make it stand out and I am practically wasting time and money on it. Ideally, I would want to work on this with a few mates or people from the community (which is non-existent, the Discord server is dead and I honestly cba to make it alive at this point), but seeing as practically nobody around me actually knows how to code that will be hard to do, to say the least. Oh well, enough rambling for today, I hope y'all that actually care to read this have a great day.

~ Robert

Wallvon commented 2 years ago

Yeah never mind, a lot of stuff got fixed (and I actually need to learn how to read what certain flags do) and Discord is working on stuff like permissions for slash commands, so for now I’ll just create a separate branch for long awaited chores, fixes and miscellaneous stuff and merge that. Afterwards I hope to get the code to such a state that adding the new features that I have in mind will be a breeze.