WayfireWM / wf-install

A repository with installation scripts for wayfire
MIT License
39 stars 10 forks source link

Minimal install wayland/wayfire on alpine 3.16.2 #35

Open chrishue opened 2 years ago

chrishue commented 2 years ago

Hello, As I had a lot of trouble finding the resources for an installation under alpine, I share my installation procedure. I await your comments.

Have a good day,

Juste after setup-alpine & reboot

sed -i -e "s/#http.*\/v3.16\/community$/http\:\/\/eu.edge.kernel.org\/alpine\/v3.16\/community/g" /etc/apk/repositories apk update apk add git meson py3-pip wayland-dev autoconf libtool libffi-dev libxml2-dev gegl-dev libinput-dev libxkbcommon-dev pixman-dev xcb-proto cairo-dev glm-dev jpeg-dev gtkmm3-dev xwayland libdrm-dev pulseaudio-dev libpciaccess-dev g++ eudev-dev libseat-dev libevdev-dev gobject-introspection-dev alsa-utils alsa-utils-doc alsa-lib alsaconf alsa-ucm-conf alsa-lib-dev vim dust ttf-dejavu mingetty mesa-dri-gallium seatd eudev dbus dbus-openrc
rc-update add seatd rc-update add dbus default setup-devd udev

cd /opt/ git clone https://github.com/WayfireWM/wf-install cd wf-install/ sed -i -e 's/--backup\=t//g' install.sh ./install.sh --prefix /opt/wayfire --stream master apk del gcc g++

adduser wayfire adduser wayfire input adduser wayfire video adduser wayfire seat adduser wayfire audio

sed -i -e 's/^tty1.$/tty1\:\:respawn\:\/sbin\/mingetty tty1 --autologin wayfire/g' /etc/inittab sed -i -e 's/^ttyS0.$/#ttyS0\:\:respawn\:\/sbin\/getty -L 0 ttyS0 vt100/g' /etc/inittab

cat >> /home/wayfire/.profile2 <<EOF if test -z "\${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}"; then export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/tmp/\$(id -u)-runtime-dir if ! test -d "\${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}"; then mkdir "\${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}" chmod 0700 "\${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}" fi fi if [ -z "\$DISPLAY" ] && [ \$(tty) == /dev/tty1 ]; then /opt/wayfire/bin/startwayfire fi EOF chown wayfire:wayfire /home/wayfire/.profile


mr0baxter commented 9 months ago

didn't work