WayneGitShell / GWSDAT

GroundWater Spatiotemporal Data Analysis Tool (GWSDAT) R-Shiny implementation.
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Highlight or show date in time slider (spatial and trend plot). #138

Closed andrejadd closed 7 years ago

andrejadd commented 7 years ago

Issue with that :

  1. can't put the date into the default sliderInput
  2. If I put the date next to the slider I need to replot the entire page (bad) as soon as the time step changes.
  3. Currently only the plot changes, maybe I put it more prominently on top of the plot (htmlOutput header).

Here is the code to get the date:

date.to.print <- format(as.Date(csite$Fitted.Data[[1]]$Time.Eval[timestep]),"%d-%b-%Y")