Closed andrejadd closed 7 years ago
R CMD check results:
R CMD check results 0 errors | 0 warnings | 1 note checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE Found an obsolete/platform-specific call in the following functions: ‘makeSpatialAnimation’ ‘makeTimeSeriesPPT’ ‘makeTrendTableAnimation’ ‘plotPlumeTimeSeriesPPT’ ‘plotSpatialImagePPT’ ‘plotTrendTablePPT’ ‘plotWellReportPPT’ Found the platform-specific device: ‘win.metafile’ is the preferred way to open a new device, in the unlikely event one is needed. setupPPV2: no visible global function definition for ‘CCOMCreate’ Undefined global functions or variables: CCOMCreate
In windows, MinGW, run /c/Program\ Files/R/R-3.4.1/bin/x64/Rcmd.exe check Shiny_GWSDAT for checks