WayneGitShell / GWSDAT

GroundWater Spatiotemporal Data Analysis Tool (GWSDAT) R-Shiny implementation.
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Disconnect from app directly after start, when running from installed library. #164

Closed andrejadd closed 7 years ago

andrejadd commented 7 years ago

library(GWSDAT) GWSDAT::launchApp() Lade nötiges Paket: shiny

Listening on ERROR: [on_request_read] connection reset by peer

Shows up in Browser, but can't select data.

andrejadd commented 7 years ago

A problem with shinyjs ? On Mint Desktop it does not display "ERROR: [on_request_read] connection reset by peer", but same behaviour that I can't open another page.

I included 'import shiny' into NAMESPACE, but does not change behaviour.

andrejadd commented 7 years ago

Fixed: put shinyjs::useShinyjs() right into my start script (launchApp). Its still under the ui.R function calls though where it belongs on default.

Seems that packaging messes up shiny js init, when shinyjs is used inside the server function.

Note: putting it on the start of the server function won't work either to my surprise.