WayneGitShell / GWSDAT

GroundWater Spatiotemporal Data Analysis Tool (GWSDAT) R-Shiny implementation.
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Shapefile for Comprehensive Example not working correctly on Shiny site #215

Closed WayneBetws closed 5 years ago

WayneBetws commented 6 years ago


andrejadd commented 5 years ago

Plotting the shape lines triggers this bug. I replaced

plot(shape_data[[i]], add = TRUE, col = "lightblue", max.plot = 1)


plot(st_geometry(shape_data[[i]]), add = TRUE, max.plot = 1, col = "lightblue")

st_geometry transforms the shape data.


Confirm that the shape lines are correct (not overly stretched to the right and top)...

andrejadd commented 5 years ago

last frame seems a little off but looking at previous frames it looks as if it fits (here January 2009):
