WayneGitShell / GWSDAT

GroundWater Spatiotemporal Data Analysis Tool (GWSDAT) R-Shiny implementation.
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Put 'Aquifier Select List' into UI. #62

Closed andrejadd closed 7 years ago

andrejadd commented 7 years ago

Blank "" aquifer when used as group runs OK, but when "" and "A" are unified as "All", it gives a warning about unique coordinates. Do I have to treat aquifer "" as unique group?

andrejadd commented 7 years ago

Bug: When changing from aquifer "Blank" to "A" for Ethylbenzene, code crashes in Plot_ImagePlot():line 233


Here chull(my.area) has just one well, but should have three. This is because variable 'Good.Wells' has three wells but should have none. See the code in lines 210 - 213 that cause the problem.

Compare to test_GWSDAT_Plots.R where it runs fine. Maybe the 'pnl$Fitted.Data' did not change?

andrejadd commented 7 years ago


Make separate data instance for each Aquifer group. This not only saves re-calculation (when changing the Aquifer), but clearly separates data sets with different Aquifer selection.

Excel issue: Continue using tcltk list dialog to select Aquifer ? Alternative: Insert Aquifer select input (as it is present now). When Aquifer changes, copy data instance, select new Aquifer, and re-calculate everything.

andrejadd commented 7 years ago

For the Excel version : tcltk "Aquifer Select" message box is back in place.

For the Server version : see above. Work on this when "Data Manager" Sprint opens.