The latest version of the scraper under the branch Scraper_Update_feb_22 currently scrapes all of the pages within the fighting games genre section of Metacritic.
However, despite this, some of the data is not being scraped, and is appearing as a Null value inside the output as shown below.
This is happening because the affected pages do not load fast enough for the scraper to collect the correct information.
There are a handful possible solutions for this:
Run the scraper in headless mode to improve efficiency
Remove the Null values via data cleaning in Pandas/Spark etc.
Run a piece of code which matches the url to the null dataset, re-run the pages.
Append these missing values to the end of the list of outputs.
The latest version of the scraper under the branch Scraper_Update_feb_22 currently scrapes all of the pages within the fighting games genre section of Metacritic.
However, despite this, some of the data is not being scraped, and is appearing as a Null value inside the output as shown below.
This is happening because the affected pages do not load fast enough for the scraper to collect the correct information.
There are a handful possible solutions for this: