Waziup / WaziCloud

WAZIUP Cloud and local platform
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No data arriving on Kibana anymore #157

Closed ChaDup closed 7 years ago

ChaDup commented 7 years ago

No data is arriving on Kibana from the broker since June 1st, 15h.

The broker seems not down, I don't know what is happening.

I received a strange value this morning at 10am :

  "_index": "waziup_all_sensors-2017.06.02",
  "_type": "logs",
  "_id": "AVxn0bNOJowyNbhjpYNZ",
  "_score": null,
  "_source": {
    "headers": {
      "http_accept": "*/*",
      "http_cache_control": "max-age=259200",
      "http_accept_encoding": "gzip,deflate",
      "request_path": "/",
      "http_version": "HTTP/1.1",
      "http_connection": "keep-alive",
      "request_method": "GET",
      "http_range": "bytes=0-16384",
      "http_host": "",
      "request_uri": "/",
      "http_user_agent": "Slackbot-LinkExpanding 1.0 (+https://api.slack.com/robots)"
    "@timestamp": "2017-06-02T08:00:14.436Z",
    "@version": "1",
    "host": "",
    "message": "",
    "tags": [
  "fields": {
    "@timestamp": [
  "sort": [

i don't know who is and what is slack bot. Is it a security problem ?

ChaDup commented 7 years ago

This is happening on EGM instance, not on WAZIUP instance. I closed the 55555 port for now, but it means that if we don't find quickly a way to secure elastic suite, we could have the same problem on waziup instance. Still there is no data on the broker since yesterday, which is another separate problem. Unless all the MVP have connection problem...

ChaDup commented 7 years ago

Data is arriving again, and the security issue was minor apparently. By the way we need to discuss security issues quickly.