Waziup / WaziCloud

WAZIUP Cloud and local platform
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Adding a Sensor that measures more than one Quantity Kind #231

Closed Baalmart closed 3 years ago

Baalmart commented 3 years ago
cdupont commented 3 years ago

It's a good point... Currently on the WaziCloud dashboard, we have a "Device" (e.g a WaziDev) that can contain several "Sensors". A sensor measures only one physical quantity, e.g. temperature, humidity... However, it is possible that the thing measured has several values: e.g. a GPS position has 3 values: latitude, longitude, altitude. In this case, it is stored in the sensor value as a JSON compound: {latitude: 41.03265, longitude: 3.25698, altitude: 12}.

Here is an example for sending GPS coordinates with WaziDev:

#include <WaziDev.h>

// new WaziDev with node address = 8 
WaziDev wazidev("MyDevice", 8);

void setup()

  // Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
  // Print a start message
  Serial.println(F("Tests of WaziDev communications"));

void loop(void)
  // Send GPS coordinates


This code will result with only one sensor created on the WaziCloud dashboard. This sensor will be named "GPS" and have the value {"BC":2230, "LAT":-1.34683,"LGT":36.70799,"FXT":6,"P":"N"}. Your application can then read the JSON value using the WaziCloud API and exploit it.

cdupont commented 3 years ago

Anyway, if you have a commercial sensor that measures two different things (like the DHT11), I think it's preferable to create 2 sensors on the dashboard...

Baalmart commented 3 years ago

Okay, using JSON is a good approach. Thanks.