Closed cdupont closed 4 years ago
Might be related, I noted this in the Network server logs:
time="2020-08-10T14:34:54Z" level=info msg="gateway/mqtt: uplink frame received" gateway_id=aa555a0000000000 uplink_id=c23ec7c2-0b98-465a-856a-fe7da28f19cb
time="2020-08-10T14:34:54Z" level=info msg="uplink: frame(s) collected" ctx_id=295c4e68-eb6f-4ae9-bdc0-8450543376be mtype=UnconfirmedDataUp uplink_ids="[c23ec7c2-0b98-465a-856a-fe7da28f19cb]"
time="2020-08-10T14:34:54Z" level=error msg="get gateway error" ctx_id=295c4e68-eb6f-4ae9-bdc0-8450543376be error="get gateway error: object does not exist" gateway_id=aa555a0000000000
time="2020-08-10T14:34:54Z" level=info msg="sent uplink meta-data to network-controller" ctx_id=295c4e68-eb6f-4ae9-bdc0-8450543376be dev_eui=aa555a002601143f
time="2020-08-10T14:34:54Z" level=info msg="device gateway rx-info meta-data saved" ctx_id=295c4e68-eb6f-4ae9-bdc0-8450543376be dev_eui=aa555a002601143f
time="2020-08-10T14:34:54Z" level=info msg="device-session saved" ctx_id=295c4e68-eb6f-4ae9-bdc0-8450543376be dev_addr=2601143f dev_eui=aa555a002601143f
time="2020-08-10T14:34:54Z" level=info msg="finished streaming call with code OK" grpc.code=OK grpc.method=StreamFrameLogsForDevice grpc.service=ns.NetworkServerService grpc.start_time="2020-08-10T14:26:22Z" grpc.time_ms=512082.06 peer.address="" span.kind=server system=grpc
time="2020-08-10T14:34:54Z" level=info msg="finished client unary call" ctx_id=295c4e68-eb6f-4ae9-bdc0-8450543376be grpc.code=OK grpc.ctx_id=47ce4c24-a8da-4ff6-aa9f-58285007d293 grpc.duration=31.641394ms grpc.method=HandleUplinkData grpc.service=as.ApplicationServerService span.kind=client system=grpc
time="2020-08-10T14:34:55Z" level=info msg="device-queue deleted" ctx_id=295c4e68-eb6f-4ae9-bdc0-8450543376be id=60
It says: "get gateway error: object does not exist" gateway_id=aa555a0000000000
After that, it deletes the device-queue.
In fact, my gateway ID is aa55a00000000000 (missing a 5).
I found a mismatch with the gateway ID in the conf, between here: and here:
Success today. Procedure is:
The value should be received on the WaziDev.
I set up a WaziDev with LMIC: I can receive downlink with this. However, with WaziGate, I cannot get it. I schedule a downlink in Chirpstack, it seems to leave after a message is received:
But I don't receive on the WaziDev. Here are the single_chan_pkt_fwd log (with debug level):
It seems that the downlink is never received.
Here is the logs from chirpstack-gateway-bridge:
I find this line strange:
integration/mqtt: unsubscribing from topic" topic="gateway/aa555a0000000000/command/#
On MQTT, there is some "command" publishes, but they don't seem to be related to downlinks:
seems to be related to Acks (they are there even without downlinks).