User story:
As an [online shopper], I want to [filter products by category] so that [I can easily find the products within my preferred product type - Artisanal].
Value provided to the end user:
I can easily find the products that are within my preferred product type - Artisanal
Acceptance criteria: (what counts as "done" that can be tested?)
On the search bar, the user can specify the product type or Category by selecting it from a drop down menu.
The filter defaults to ANY including ALL products.
The Product list will only show the products in the category selected.
The product list updates after the user drags selects the Category.
User story: As an [online shopper], I want to [filter products by category] so that [I can easily find the products within my preferred product type - Artisanal].
Breakdown: Value provided to the end user: I can easily find the products that are within my preferred product type - Artisanal
Acceptance criteria: (what counts as "done" that can be tested?)
Some ideas that could help: