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New victory level - Dominion Status #215

Open Nightinggale opened 5 years ago

Nightinggale commented 5 years ago

Forum thread

New victory level - Dominion Status. More or less, independence without having to fight the WOI. For example, you would need at least 75% of your population supporting independence AND colonial land forces at least 66% the size of the REF (if the REF has 100 land units, you would need 66 of your own land units - naval units not counted, since it is VERY unlikely that any colony is ever going to have 60 or more ships of the line), AND good relations with the Crown - at least +10 in diplomacy say. In practical terms, represents that the King, and Parliament, have recognised that a large majority of colonists want independence, and that they have become powerful enough that it is far from certain that the motherland would easily win if it went to a war. So, in order to keep the empire united, they agree to let the colonies govern themselves, but still within the empire. The player becomes Prime Minister of his politically independent colonies, with the King remaining as purely ceremonial Head of State. Perhaps this would score, say, 80% of the VP's gained from a full 'independence' victory. Canada in 1867 is the obvious historical example. In order to stop players from 'cheating' by raising huge military forces and ignoring everything else early in the game to meet these conditions, this victory scenario would not be 'active' until half the number of turns had passed, or until the year 1700, or something similar.

orlanth commented 5 years ago

I like the concept, but to make it truly different from the basic strategy of independence gameplay (building military and Rebel Sentiment) it would be more unique to place a lot more emphasis on building up very high diplomatic relations with your King civ, and making it a unique challenge to build up and sustain relations to this point, perhaps using special quest Events you’d have to fulfill.

E.g. in the case of Canada it seems the local Canadian military was not really built up to represent any serious threat to UK intervention, and local sentiment against remaining part of the UK was not particularly high. Instead it seems like everyone realized it would be more efficient to administer Canada as a single entity rather than multiple provinces, and there was actually pressure from inside England that saw ongoing involvement in administration of Canada as an unwanted burden.

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Englander https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Confederation

The issue of diplomacy with your King civ would be good to expand more in general, and there aren’t really many stages of diplomatic relationships before the worst and best. I was thinking that when relations get to the worst or best value with your King this could trigger an Event penalizing or benefiting you, and then adjust relations back towards neutral to prevent them getting stuck at min or max with no consequences.

For a diplomatic victory type like Dominion, perhaps if you meet certain criteria (e.g. the right Era and Rebel Sentiment and some military) a unique Event chain could start, requiring you to complete certain quest Events for your King civ (delivering a certain amount of Yields, having enough special buildings, paying a total amount in taxes, etc).

devolution79 commented 5 years ago

This victory type will probably make it far easier for the AI to win due to the following reasons:

LibSpit commented 5 years ago

It seems like this would be good to connect with something like the domestic market.

So making yourself more capable of independence, by supplying X% of your domestic demand, you show that you are an efficient administration without the need of outside support.

Perhaps combining with the need for a high independence value say 80-90%+(in this case not displaying a desire to be independent by any means necessary, but rather being very efficient, administered and capable of running an independent infrastructure/state.)

As well as maintaining a good standing with the home nation. (Paying your taxes and supplying goods and equipment in times of need).

Almost entirely ignoring military build up.

This would give a more 'peaceful' game play and end game goal.

Perhaps also doing something like 'create a charter' that could be like generating FF Points but instead go into a peaceful independence pool. it could perhaps require hammers and bells to build as your people begin to craft out a path forward with the backing of your home nation, rather than by going against them into war.