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New civic (category?) Federal Power vs States Rights #216

Open Nightinggale opened 5 years ago

Nightinggale commented 5 years ago

Forum thread

New civic, when choosing your constitution after declaring independence - Federal Power vs States Rights. Federal Power; gives +10% production of military equipment (muskets, cannons, blades - a 'building specific effect' rather than a bonus applied to the workers in those facilities, if that makes sense) in all appropriate facilities, due to central planning and adoption of standardized equipment designs leading to greater production efficiency, also +200% production of liberty bells in the first colony you founded (effectively, your capital). States Rights, gives +10% settlement defence to all 'militia' type units (Colonia Militia and Settler Militia), due to 'local patriotism' generated from having a more decentralised government, when these units are defending in their 'home' states, also +10% production of liberty bells in every colony.

orlanth commented 5 years ago

That sounds reasonable, and it would really be good to have more strategic differences for “wide” vs “tall” civs/governments.

For Civics about centralized vs decentralized governance, it would be good to bring back the ability to mod effects for a “cost per city” and “cost for distance from capitol” from Civ4.

IDK exactly how these worked in Civ4, but for Civ4Col perhaps something like this could be added to civeffects, enabling Civics or Techs or Traits to have moddable effects:

If you want Civeffects to be able to apply a bonus just in the capitol, perhaps we could bring back the Civ4 “Palace” building to denote the capitol and call it Colonial Capitol, Governors Mansion, or similar (being a National Wonder would let you build a new one to move the capitol or rebuild it if captured/ destroyed.

Nightinggale commented 5 years ago

perhaps something like this could be added to civeffects An actual implementation would either reuse existing DLL features (is possible) or use CivEffects. From an xml standpoint, it shouldn't be "+200% production of liberty bells", but rather "+X% of yield Y". Hardcoding features for specific needs is such a RaR thing to do and we want to move as much as possible to xml, particularly if it like CivEffects can be done without slowing down the game (in fact CivEffects should improve performance due to the cache design).