We-the-People-civ4col-mod / Mod

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Issue with group and ungrouping : inconsistent behavior when a ship previously grouped is selected individually. #29

Closed abmpicoli closed 3 years ago

abmpicoli commented 6 years ago


Accidentially send My Linienschiff (Battleship?) to Port Royale - not able to send it Back to the Colonies. The Battleship was in a Convoy with Some Pirate Ships witch i sent To Port Royale with some freight. I sent the ships directly from New Amsterdam to Port Royale but I've seperatet them from convoy first (if I remember right)

abmpicoli commented 5 years ago

Evaluating if the issue proceeds.

abmpicoli commented 5 years ago

UNCONFIRMED the original issue, but we have other issues with the buttons.

It seems the issue is related to stacking in general... When we stack/ unstack units, it seems the buttons aren't adjusted for the units in every case... Example: this situation have a privateer and a coastal ship. While separated, the pirate can go to port royal: image

I place it at the same tile as the coastal ship: image

I stack. The button for going to port royal disappear: image

I unstack by clicking at the pirate unit. The pirate can no longer go to port royal / europe until it moves again... image

If I unstack by clicking the "Separates the group" image button this doesn't happen.

Now I have a stack with a pirate and a normal ship. In this case, I don't see the issue mentioned: I can't get the warship into port royal... image

However, when I split the group by simply clicking at the privateer , two things happen:

The workaround is to stack everything, unstack everything and then click at the ship I want to move.

devolution79 commented 5 years ago

The issue with hidden nationality ships allowing other ships to travel to PR has been resolved here: https://github.com/Religion-And-Revolution-Extended/Mod/commit/ed3d2e7eb8ade1d7eefde6151b07b4d1a60c4373 "BUG22: We only allow ships to sail to Port Royal if all units in the group are allowed to do so"

devolution79 commented 5 years ago

Regarding the coastal ship, did you place it in the ocean ? This is not allowed by the movement rules (unless it's bugged), but it is possible to construct "invalid gamestates" by using the WB. so be careful.

devolution79 commented 5 years ago

The grouping rules could probably have an overhaul. I suppose it is a minor issue that the smuggling ship would have to move a tile to "refresh" its state. It is also possible to end up with multiple buttons (if my memory is not corrupted :/) for the same action! this is clearly a bug, albeit a minor one

abmpicoli commented 5 years ago

In the next days I will be playing the game , instead of dealing with mods. Later I may get back to it, but if someone wants to stand up and work with this, be welcome ... :)

devolution79 commented 3 years ago

Should have been fixed by now