We-the-People-civ4col-mod / Mod

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Double-clicking on a unit in the city selects all units there that have moves left and clears automatic trade routes for all trains there if selected #616

Open windock opened 2 years ago

windock commented 2 years ago

Develop2 branch.

But applicable to any current branches, and is really an old issue.

Have a few regular colonists in the city. Have a few automated wagon trains there chilling (they ended their turn in the city previous turn, and have full movement left in the current turn). Double click on any colonist (you need to click on them, not on the city, so try to change camera position, and click slightly above the city). All the units that have movement are selected. All the automated wagon train have their automation canceled and information about their trade routes lost. Additionally, all fortified units stop being fortified.

This is pretty maddening. Automated trade routes need quite a few actions to set up. And if you don't name wagons, you loose information on what cities it was trading with. So you need to search for all trade wagons on the map, and deduce which have none.

I think that it makes sense to not select automated wagons if you double-click. However, I need to think about it more. I really don't use double-click to select colonists at all. It usually happens if I try to open city screen.

windock commented 2 years ago

Here is a save file demonstrating this case.

Jamestown has a few automated wagons chilling there, along with a few military units. So double-click on any unit there to reproduce the issue.

windock AD-1682-January-cancel-automation.zip