We-the-People-civ4col-mod / Mod

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Slaves should be able to carry arms and earn their freedom after a war-related event. #74

Open abmpicoli opened 5 years ago

abmpicoli commented 5 years ago

Hi, everyone. I want to give your attention to one aspect of the Paraguayan War: the use of slaves as the main attacking force for the Brazilian army, even while the country had slavery.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paraguayan_War#Gender_and_ethnic_aspects .

My suggestion is that slaves can eventually bear arms and earn their freedom as a choice when these conditions happen.

1) The player is at war with someone. 2) The player power is smaller than the opposing forces. 3) The player have, say, 10 slaves or more. 4) The player have a rebel sentiment of 40% or more (one of the reasons of abolitionism was that the society got more "intellectualized").

ShadesOT commented 5 years ago

I want to point out, that the motivation of slaves to fight for their supressors is very low if existent at all. To be discussed.

abmpicoli commented 5 years ago

I believe that what happened in Brazil is that as abolitionist thoughts started spreading at the 1800s, slaves could "buy" their freedom, masters with abolitionist thoughts would liberate them: the "Carta de Alforria" ... The slaves fought the war to earn such a letter for themselves.

abmpicoli commented 5 years ago

Also, I think that if we are modeling slaves into the game, we should model everything: slave revolts, "quilombos" (slaves founding "native" villages to flee and fight their opressors), like Zumbi dos Palmares... Haiti had their independence declared by slaves, not european powers... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haiti#Haitian_Revolution_(1791%E2%80%931804)