WeAreAthlon / Silla.IO

PHP Application Development Framework.
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Adopting Aura.Router for Routing library #67

Closed pnikolov closed 5 years ago

pnikolov commented 9 years ago

After a 2 day research, I stumble upon this: https://github.com/auraphp/Aura.Router/tree/2.x

I find it pretty powerful, fast and easy to integrate to the existing code infrastructure!

pnikolov commented 8 years ago

I see the Aura.Router has evolved to version 3.0.0 - https://github.com/auraphp/Aura.Router/releases/tag/3.0.0

The minimum PHP requirements are PHP 5.5, @kalins, @kmotsov, @rozalia what about adopting this version in prior to 2.x ?

pnikolov commented 7 years ago

You can review the process on this feature here https://github.com/WeAreAthlon/Silla.IO/tree/feature/router-aura